'Halloween 9' - Official Announcement Next Month!


donald died a few years ago actually, so i think he means Janet Leigh, who died in november

if i actually cared u liked me i would be over doing it, and if you are such the halloween fan as you say you are then why dont you talk about the movie instead of who changd his named to who, and if you are mad that i double post thats kinda dumb, look i seiosly just want to talk the new halloween movie thats all so if you dont like me thats ok you dont have to talk to me but i will still be here and i will still be HALLOWEEN FAN#1

Lets put a smile on that block
They ARE talking about the new Halloween film. They just dont understand how you could have mixed up Donald Pleasance the MALE actor with Janet Leigh the FEMALE actor. Theyre pretty different believe it or not.
Pumpkins scream in the DEAD of night!

if you want to talk about the new Halloween film or previous ones go ahead i will be glad to talk about it but you don't have to get all defensive and make fun of people if they say something you don't like
"A good film is when the price of the dinner, the theater admission and the babysitter were worth it."
- Alfred Hitchcock

yeah, i was just kidding about the #1 thing, you ought to calm down, you'll enjoy it here a lot more