Your take on downloading movies


in my country so many films are almost imposible to buy because the distributors don't sell that movies here, so i use the e mu--

Neutral Milk Hotel
See I Have a weird thing on this. I dont really download movies ive only downloaded t.v. show episodes. but if I want the movie I buy it because I like having it in my movie collection with its case and everything. I feel bad for the filmakers being cheated out of there money (even though they have enough to buy doughnuts for the whole country).
" I see in your eyes, the same fear that would take the heart of me. A day may come when the courage of men fails, whe we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. May and hour of wolves and shattered shields before the age of men comes crashing down, but it is not this day! This day we Fight! For all that you hold dear on this good earth, I bid you stand men of the west!!"
-Aragorn: The Lord of the Rings the Return of the King

if its a good movie then i will buy it. but apart from that the amount of money that the movie industry makes i dont think they are going to miss $30 all that much.

i think i speak for a mojority of the movie downloaders "If it's free, take it"

I must admit my md's are in the triple digits, oh well. I see and buy more moives than i download.

I must become Caligari..!
Originally Posted by Sedai
As for downloading films, If one is downloading just to preview, there is absolutely nothing wrong with grabbing the files, with real intent to simply preview the material. This all centers on personal choice, and you must ask yourself: "Since many artists and other people poured their heart and soul into making this piece of art, am I comfortable with just stealing it, and that artist never getting a dime of compensation from me, the person who is getting quite a bit out of the art."

If you answer "yes, I do feel comfortable with this", well than fork you, you forking thief. You are a scumbelly and I hope you get chronic groin rash and a massive boil on your ass while huddled in your room, in the dark, ripping **** off.
Its not quite as simple as that. Many people simply can not afford these products (Wether Movies, Music, Books or PC programs), and thus never get to be educated on them. Do you think education should be avalible only to the rich?...

Take D/Ling programs for example. Buying Adobe Photoshop costs around $700... Now it is a very widley used tool that anyone who is to enter the Graphic Design industry must have a very good knowlage of. There for becasue of its high price only the people who can afford it can gain a knowlage of it and thus have a higher chance of getting a job, While the person who can't affod it can't learn it and will have less of a chance of getting a job... Its the simple case of the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer..

Its the same case in music and movies...

P.S. I don't D/L movies for the the simple case that you can never get a decent copy and can never see the film properly.
It's a god-awful small affair, To the girl with, the mousy hair, But her mummy is yelling "No", and her daddy has told her to go, But her friend is nowhere to be seen, Now she walks through her sunken dream, To the seat with the clearest view, And she's hooked to the silver screen, But the film is a saddening bore, For she's lived it ten times or more...

Originally Posted by Hondo333
Do you think education should be avalible only to the rich?...

Take D/Ling programs for example. Buying Adobe Photoshop costs around $700... Now it is a very widley used tool that anyone who is to enter the Graphic Design industry must have a very good knowlage of. There for becasue of its high price only the people who can afford it can gain a knowlage of it and thus have a higher chance of getting a job, While the person who can't affod it can't learn it and will have less of a chance of getting a job... Its the simple case of the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer..
Well said, even though i go to the movies alot, i can't usually afford those high priced games and software. So i d/L it. It's not as if these companies are exaclty suffereing, if i can see movie stars and producers driving fancy cars and expensive houses, then i know there not suffering.

Originally Posted by starrdarcy
Well said, even though i go to the movies alot, i can't usually afford those high priced games and software. So i d/L it. It's not as if these companies are exaclty suffereing, if i can see movie stars and producers driving fancy cars and expensive houses, then i know there not suffering.
But movies, generally speaking, are not expensive. I'm not paying $700 for anything. The PhotoShop issue is something else. I don't know the solution to that. Maybe they should give a discount to aspiring graphics designers.

I don't mind paying $8 to go to a Friday night movie at a nice theater. That's fine by me. I don't buy a ton of DVDs, but the ones I do buy I wait until I find a good price.

Originally Posted by joshuafor
But movies, generally speaking, are not expensive. I'm not paying $700 for anything. The PhotoShop issue is something else. I don't know the solution to that. Maybe they should give a discount to aspiring graphics designers.

I don't mind paying $8 to go to a Friday night movie at a nice theater. That's fine by me. I don't buy a ton of DVDs, but the ones I do buy I wait until I find a good price.
Wll i do frequently go to the movies, my mom and i are friends of a theatre manager here in town. So i go often. Hoever, i am not willing to pay 15-30 dollars for a dvd it.s simply outragous.

Originally Posted by starrdarcy
Wll i do frequently go to the movies, my mom and i are friends of a theatre manager here in town. So i go often. Hoever, i am not willing to pay 15-30 dollars for a dvd it.s simply outragous.
Well you are lucky you have that connection at the theater. Still, the argument that attending movies in the theater is too expensive just doesn't hold water in my book. Most DVDs are around $20 that I've seen, but I'm sure they can get hiked up to around $30. Like I said, I buy limited DVDs. Regardless, I'd rather get a clean, quality copy brand new than take my chances getting some sh*t.

Movie Forums Member
I don't really like the idea. They'd take up alot of memory. Take alot of time to download. Its better to watch them on the big screen.

Music though I think is okay (just so long you don't go posting it and/or selling it).

some downloaders are like me, if i like what i see enough, i get the real thing. That goes for movies, music and games. I had civilization 3, i liked it so much i went out and got the real thing.

trotskyist's Avatar
motivationally deficient
Originally Posted by Y2Kcast
I don't really like the idea. They'd take up alot of memory. Take alot of time to download. Its better to watch them on the big screen.
If you are going to download movies then you gotta invest in a decent computer and net connection. i dont think it is a good idea on a regular basis.
did you know that teflon comes from spiders feet?

Originally Posted by trotskyist
If you are going to download movies then you gotta invest in a decent computer and net connection. i dont think it is a good idea on a regular basis.
Yeah, but even still, you're still watching on a small screen and you may end up downloading something that isn't worth a crap, nor may it be what you even thought you were downloading.

Movie Forums Member
in my opinion I think for certain movies it should be right, Escpecially for foreighn movies that are very hard to find.

I think it is right because the american producers should bring more asian movies here in american and make it more well known and if they DO bring it over in america they usually don't play it Until like a year or 2 later, Like the stupid miramax people with Shaolin Soccer

also they should bring in some great movies like Battle Royale so that more people can watch it and i Do beleive it will do well only if they advertise it well enough so thats just my opinion and i DO download foreighn movies when i get the chance

I don't download movies off the internet. I don't care too much if others do it. I am sure if I was in the movie industry, I would though because it would directly affect me with my profits
"Be it a rock or a grain of sand, in water they sink as the same."

Arresting your development
Originally Posted by Pato_Diablo
in my country so many films are almost imposible to buy because the distributors don't sell that movies here, so i use the e mu--
You need a hook up. PM me!
Our real discoveries come from chaos, from going to the place that looks wrong and stupid and foolish.
Embrace the chaos and sour adversity, for wise men say it is the wisest course.

Originally Posted by Hondo333
Its not quite as simple as that. Many people simply can not afford these products (Wether Movies, Music, Books or PC programs), and thus never get to be educated on them. Do you think education should be avalible only to the rich?...

Take D/Ling programs for example. Buying Adobe Photoshop costs around $700... Now it is a very widley used tool that anyone who is to enter the Graphic Design industry must have a very good knowlage of. There for becasue of its high price only the people who can afford it can gain a knowlage of it and thus have a higher chance of getting a job, While the person who can't affod it can't learn it and will have less of a chance of getting a job... Its the simple case of the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer..

Its the same case in music and movies...
Anyone can get movies, music, and books for free from the library, so everyone, even the poor, can be educated without having to fork over a dime.

As for Photoshop, and several other programs, in the high school that I went to any class which we could use a computer in we could use Photoshop. Hell, there was even a Graphic Design class which taught how to use it. This was a grade C public school too, so it ain't like we were special or anything either.

Education is out there without having to either pay an arm or a leg, and without having to steal.
Make it happen!

Originally Posted by projectMayhem
Anyone can get movies, music, and books for free from the library, so everyone, even the poor, can be educated without having to fork over a dime.

As for Photoshop, and several other programs, in the high school that I went to any class which we could use a computer in we could use Photoshop. Hell, there was even a Graphic Design class which taught how to use it. This was a grade C public school too, so it ain't like we were special or anything either.

Education is out there without having to either pay an arm or a leg, and without having to steal.
This is true. All kinds of media is available all over the place for people to access. If people really need to learn a software program or really want to enjoy the luxuries seeing a movie, they will find ways to do it. Sometimes it's just not as convenient for one as it is the next guy....and yeah that can suck...but that is life. I can't always have access to everything my friends have, but i figure out my own way....legally, that is.

I download many, many more movies than I pay for, by far. I don't know why people are complaining about quality, if you know what to look for it's easy to get good stuff. I will buy a DVD here or there, they aren't that expensive but downloads are free. I think I must have a criminal streak in me because I even burn copies of movies to give to my friends and family, take requests for stuff, etc. I used to buy a ton of music and movies until downloading came about, so piracy has saved me a lot of money. The best is getting to kick back and watch a movie at home that's still in the theatres, while paying nothing. I have absolutely no moral qualms with this whatsoever.

Hartigan's Avatar
Registered User
Dloadin a movie or two aint bad...