Barbarella remake starring Sydney Sweeney


Hmmm, Sydney can do anything. Was hoping after Immaculate she would change direction a little from her good looks.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

She's Hollywood's darling right now and she should make the most of it while she can, pick any roles that really speak to her.

The trick is not minding
Another attempt at a Barbarella remake, eh? I remember when they attempted this with Lohan’s name attached to it, but her personal issues probably derailed that.
Sweeney is a much better choice with less baggage.

B...but... this film already had a remake!

Baberellas (2003)

Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

I'm even more excited about the prospect of Edgar Wright directing this than I am about Sydney starring in it - though I'm sure she'd make a great Barbarella.

Had the movie been made 10 years ago, Taylor Swift could have been a great Barbarella, too.

She's Hollywood's darling right now and she should make the most of it while she can, pick any roles that really speak to her.
You make it sound like she has a sell-by date. She’ll be around forever & I hope she keeps her good looks.

I'm even more excited about the prospect of Edgar Wright directing this than I am about Sydney starring in it - though I'm sure she'd make a great Barbarella.

Had the movie been made 10 years ago, Taylor Swift could have been a great Barbarella, too.
What makes a “great” Barbarella? I have no desire to see Taylor Swift as Barbarella. Maybe her boyfriend does.

I'm not going to bother trying to explain to you how Hollywood actually works, because at the end you'd probably say "that's not how it should be", and obviously we all know it isn't, but that's not the point

Hmmm, Sydney can do anything. Was hoping after Immaculate she would change direction a little from her good looks.
When she hits forty she can move onto great dramatic parts. Right now, she and the filmmakers are going to exploit her good looks and talent.

When she hits forty she can move onto great dramatic parts. Right now, she and the filmmakers are going to exploit her good looks and talent.
So she has to wait 20+ more years to get a “great dramatic part”.

What are you saying? At 40 she won’t be good-looking?

Trouble with a capital "T"
At 40 she'll probably be doing voice overs for cartoon characters. The movie business is brutal to young, attractive actresses. The better looking they are, the worse it is for them when they're no longer young and hot.

If she's smart, she'll go into directing like Elizabeth Banks and Olivia Wilde did to have something to fall back on when they can't get any good parts anymore.

At 40 she'll probably be doing voice overs for cartoon characters. The movie business is brutal to young, attractive actresses. The better looking they are, the worse it is for them when they're no longer young and hot.
Sydney will be fine at 40. Let’s discuss again in 2038.