Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Wonderwell (2023 release) This is an odd one, for a number of reasons. It was filmed in 2016 and was originally going to be released in 2017, but got delayed for years. It was finally released in 2023 and is now on Tubi. It's a blend of family fantasy adventure with coming of age drama, but neither one really works. It's labelled as a family movie on imdb, but isn't really suitable for kids. The dad used the word pornography, the 12 year old mentions sex, there are at least two references to the 12 year old's boobs growing, the 15 year old sister and some other teenage models wear what looks like bra and panties in one scene (although it could have been a bikini, I wasn't sure). None of this is handled very well. The film is muddled and the story isn't clear. There are witches and a magical other side and some kind of a journey to do something. In spite of this film's many flaws and questionable choices, I didn't hate it. Carrie Fisher does a decent job with limited screen time. Kiera Milward is good as the main young girl. The cinematography, costumes, and effects are fairly well done. There is enough positive elements mixed in with the mess to lead me to rate it

My movie of the night - It's the Last Voyage of the Demeter. If you've ever read the original book Dracula, you know that this is how it all starts, a nearly deserted ship showing up in a British seaport after an awful storm, carrying boxes full of dirt and a "mad" crew. Nothing ends well for the crew and the boxes are carrying something awful (like Dracula). The Dracula in this movie is much worse and far, far more loathsome than the caped Romanian of so many movies.

This movie is an large expansion of the first chapter of the book and produced and acted very well....very atmospheric. You really do NOT want to be on this cursed ship.

Rise of the Footsoldier: Vengeance (2023)

The 6th installment of what is probably my favorite film series. Craig Fairbass returns as real life character Pat Tate, but unfortunately the great Terry Stone is MIA. I believe he's supposed to be back for part 7. This film is not as gritty as the first 2 or as fun as the last 3. It's closer to an American style film but I still enjoyed the heck out of it.

What Is A Woman (2022)
Sure tricked me. Expected the Matt Walsh one, especially given the year of release.
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

Sure tricked me. Expected the Matt Walsh one, especially given the year of release.
That was a typo. The year of release should say 2020. Have you seen this one?

Godzilla Minus One - (2023)

Loved it, I would recomment it to anyone!
There has been an awekening.... have you felt it?

That was a typo. The year of release should say 2020. Have you seen this one?
No, I haven't. It sounds kinky, though.

If you've ever read the original book Dracula, you know that this is how it all starts, a nearly deserted ship showing up in a British seaport after an awful storm

Not how it starts.

No, I haven't. It sounds kinky, though.
Well, it does have full frontal nudity in the first few minutes. I liked the use of nudity in the film, as it felt natural and had different body types, different ages, male and female.

Registered User
Really like this one, great movie.

Really like this one, great movie.
Fantastic movie. Seen it a million times.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Under The Skin, 2013 (A+)

It's hard to make out what the entire movie is about, but from a purely sensual point of view, it's just absolutely outstanding. The pool scene is the most messed up thing I've seen in a movie. I never felt like that watching anything ever. I'll be watching this one a couple times again .
Probably my fave Scarlet movie. Seen this several times.

Well, it does have full frontal nudity in the first few minutes. I liked the use of nudity in the film, as it felt natural and had different body types, different ages, male and female.
What movie is this?

Wow, excellent slow-burn of a French movie. Loved it.

Excellent Danish movie.

Very good movie, but quite a bit is lost in translation, which seems always to be the case with Chinese movies.

3rd Rewatch... This lavishly mounted romantic comedy/soap opera is about an economics professor (Constance Wu) who travels to Singapore with her wealthy fiancee (Henry Golding) for a wedding where he is the best man and our poor heroine finds her in an instant battle of wills with her steely future mother-in-law (Oscar winner Michelle Yeoh). Breathtaking production values and some smart performances give this one a boost, especially a scene-stealing turn from Awkwefina as Wu's BFF.

5 Card Stud

"If that is a Bible, read it. If it ain't a Bible, drop it" doesn't exactly rival "When you have to shoot, shoot, don't talk" as far as memorable lines from Westerns go, but it ain't bad.

The studios were already having a hard time keeping Westerns interesting in the late 60s, and maybe 5 Card Stud is a good example of why the genre was badly struggling by this time, and having to compete with the more exciting Westerns coming out of Italy.

But it does have its moments, and the casting of Dean Martin and Robert Mitchum does seem very enticing, doesn't it? (Mitchum reportedly turned down a part in The Wild Bunch to make this one)

Screenwriter Marguerite Roberts would go on to adapt the more successful True Grit just a year later, following a long and rather exciting career working with some of Hollywood's top stars.

Rounding out the peculiar cast are Roddy McDowell, Inger Stevens, Katherine Justice, Yaphet Kotto, and Denver Pyle.

1st Rewatch...In the past couple of years, we have burdened with a lot of sequels to 30 year old movies that were really disasters, but this one worked for me. Peter Billingsley reprises his role from the 1983 classic with Ralph, grown up and married with children. When Ralph learns of his father's death, he travels back to his hometown with his family where he has to deal with several mini-dramas like writing his dad's obituary, a broken radiator, injuring his children, and stolen Christmas presents. The film retains the spirit of the original without directly lifting from it. This film knows that it's a sequel not a remake. Billingsley is just as charming as he was in the original and Julie Hagerty (replacing the late Melinda Dillon) is a lot of fun as Ralph's mother. Ralph's friends, Flick, Schwartz, Scott Farkas, and his little brother are all played by the original actors.

What movie is this?
What is a Woman (2020). It is a short Norwegian film, only 14 minutes, about a debate in the women's locker room. It's currently streaming on the Criterion Channel. I recommend it.

What is a Woman (2020). It is a short Norwegian film, only 14 minutes, about a debate in the women's locker room. It's currently streaming on the Criterion Channel. I recommend it.
Oh, never heard of it. Did you have to pay to see it?