Black Mirror


The Adventure Starts Here!
These episodes have been fun, but I couldn't quite figure out why they don't have that edge that earlier seasons did. Seems that this season isn't taking the same sort of edgy chances the earlier seasons did. They're choosing the more straightforward storytelling in so many other series. Which is fine if that's what you're expecting. But they're not fitting well into the specific Black Mirror universe for me.

And part of the problem is that, although yes, there is technology as part of each episode, it's not as central to the story or the twists as earlier seasons. In Mazey Day, for instance, the only real technology are the cameras. This isn't a technology-can-be-scary episode at all.

I think that's what I'm missing from this new season: the truly *scary* presentation of current (and possible future) technology.

The Adventure Starts Here!
My Black Mirror Season 6 Ranking:
5. Episode 5 Demon 79 (I enjoyed it even if it's the least favorite episode. What placed it here is moralization, which I rarely like and I wasn't fully on board with the titular demon the way he manifested.)
What did this last episode have to do with technology? Am I wrong in remembering that was sort of the gist of what tied all these episodes together over the other seasons?

This was my least favorite of the season, too. Felt like most elements of the storyline had been done to death (and better) elsewhere. No pun intended.

Bounced off this on the first attempt. Episode one was good for a couple of laughs, and sort of clever-but-obvious with its premise. Selma Hayek was the highlight. Both my wife and I were bored to tears by the second episode and ended up turning it off to go to bed. Will give it another go at some point but aren't in any sort of hurry. I am thinking we got all the best stuff in seasons 1-4, and this guy is trying to wring whatever he can out of a dry cloth at this point.
I agree with what you’re saying.

People said eppy 3 was worth watching, but I bailed out. Josh Hartnett is aging badly. I’m done with this season. It’s weird, but not enjoyable IMO.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

A system of cells interlinked
Time to join Streamberry!


Don't bother reading the terms and conditions.

*Disclaimer: I did not and have no plans to join Streamberry.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

A system of cells interlinked
1. Beyond the Sea
2. Joan is Awful
3. Mazye Day
4. Loch Henry
5. Demon 79

Minor spoilers ahead for Season 6 of Black Mirror

Overall, perhaps the weakest season yet, with most of it not feeling very Black Mirror to me. I enjoyed Beyond the Sea for its old-timey dystopian sort of Ray Bradbury vibe, with one of the author's books actually appearing in the episode, along with a couple of other classics by other classic sci-fi authors. This episode ended on a much darker note than ol' Ray's books, but I enjoyed it for what it was.

Joan is Awful is second mostly to the relative weakness of the rest of episodes more so than it being particularly good. It was clever and obviously meme-worthy, and probably fit best in the BM universe when compared to the rest of the season.

Quickly scanning the internet, I see Mayze Day being called the worst episode of the series, due to it being pretty much an homage to old school horror. I see the point, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. I disagree that it is the worst of the series, as I reserve that honor for another episode in this season...

But not Loch Henry, which I place somewhere in the bottom third of the entire series. Again, not very Black Mirror here, being more of an indie horror/crime thriller. Pacing problems in the first half combined with a sort of indie horror twist that we saw coming a mile away had both my wife and I shrugging our shoulders and hitting play on the next episode.

Demon 79... I hated this one and couldn't wait for it to end. A silly premise littered with incredibly on-the-nose and annoying social commentary. Ok, maybe Striking Vipers is still worse, but this one is close!

Overall, a bit too much into the horror elements while dropping much of a icy sci-fi I watch the show for. As I said earlier in the thread, I don't think this guy has much lightning left in the Black Mirror bottle.

It did inspire me to order a couple of the Bradbury books I haven't yet read, so it's not all bad!

Season 4 episode 1 with Jesse Plemons and Jimmi Simpson was complete money! Called USS CALLISTER or something. Brief audio cameo of Aaron Paul too.

It took me a long while but I finally binged the whole series, something I had been planning to do for years.

In the last season, the Salma Hayek episode was really outstanding - one of the funniest things they've ever done.

I hope the show still has at least a couple of seasons left in it.

It took me a long while but I finally binged the whole series, something I had been planning to do for years.

In the last season, the Salma Hayek episode was really outstanding - one of the funniest things they've ever done.

I hope the show still has at least a couple of seasons left in it.
Loved it for a few seasons, but then got mighty tired of it. Still think the first episode was the best.