Things that annoy you...


Wish the news would make health items clear...

Apparently intermittent fasting increases risk of heart disease... people who already have certain diseases and medical problems.

Yes, but they're also open 24 hours a day, every day, and they're able to provide immediate care and hospitalization (we don't hospitalize any patients because there's nobody here after hours). We're by appointment only and don't see emergencies. Plus both of the calls I mentioned came in when the doctor was not in the office.
We’re lucky to have a good one not too far from my house.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Seriously. What is with people?

Even if they just mumbled "hey" under their breath it would be better than the bizarre silence. They treat you like you must be insane, while they are acting insane. The worst is when they look right at you before and after you say hello, but they say nothing and just stare as if you just walked off a spaceship. I'd give them the benefit of the doubt, but I really don't think there are that many deaf people walking the streets (besides, most deaf people I've met are polite and will at least nod or mouth "hello" when someone else greets them.)
It’s like those folks who don’t say a word when one holds the door open for them.

Trouble with a capital "T"
It’s like those folks who don’t say a word when one holds the door open for them.
I know what you mean...but I'm wondering in some cases were someone avoids eye contact and can't say 'hello' back that the reason might be they are very insecure or other mental/emotional conditions.

I know what you mean...but I'm wondering in some cases were someone avoids eye contact and can't say 'hello' back that the reason might be they are very insecure or other mental/emotional conditions.
Who even knows. I don’t even need the eye contact.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Who even knows. I don’t even need the eye contact.
IMO, some people are odd. But mostly when I hold the door for someone they almost always thank me. Now the flip side is I've walked into department stores and somewhere I hear a faint 'hello' and usual after I'm 30 feet from the door/cash register and it's the sales clerk. Sometimes I don't respond because it's not clear who said it and they say it to my back. But if they manage to say hello as I walk into the store I always say hi. Moral of the story if you're a sales person and you're greeting customers as they walk in the door, make sure and do it before they walk past you and don't mumble.

This is referring back to previous posts about the ads on YouTube (now that YouTube doesn't permit ad blockers anymore)...

I've discovered a little trick: if a video opens with an ad, and you had a previous video open in the same window; hit the "back" button then hit the "forward" button again. This has been working for me to bypass the ads. Sometimes I have to do it twice for multiple ads (such as when a video starts with an ad you can't "skip" followed by one you can).

Another trick is (if you can't use the back or forward buttons because you have a video open in a new window) hit the "refresh / reload page" icon once or twice - so far this seems to bypass the ads (but I haven't done it enough times to proclaim it "sure fire").

For anyone else experiencing this, let me know if these tricks work for you or not, (or if you've discovered better ones).

This is referring back to previous posts about the ads on YouTube (now that YouTube doesn't permit ad blockers anymore)...

I've discovered a little trick: if a video opens with an ad, and you had a previous video open in the same window; hit the "back" button then hit the "forward" button again. This has been working for me to bypass the ads. Sometimes I have to do it twice for multiple ads (such as when a video starts with an ad you can't "skip" followed by one you can).

Another trick is (if you can't use the back or forward buttons because you have a video open in a new window) hit the "refresh / reload page" icon once or twice - so far this seems to bypass the ads (but I haven't done it enough times to proclaim it "sure fire").

For anyone else experiencing this, let me know if these tricks work for you or not, (or if you've discovered better ones).

I was doing this also and it worked great, for awhile. There were times when I would hit back and reload so many times that if I just watched the ad it would have been shorter. It was the principle, though. Now it's 30 seconds plus for every video and if I watch anything longer than a few minutes it seems like there are more ads than over the air TV.

IMO, some people are odd. But mostly when I hold the door for someone they almost always thank me. Now the flip side is I've walked into department stores and somewhere I hear a faint 'hello' and usual after I'm 30 feet from the door/cash register and it's the sales clerk. Sometimes I don't respond because it's not clear who said it and they say it to my back. But if they manage to say hello as I walk into the store I always say hi. Moral of the story if you're a sales person and you're greeting customers as they walk in the door, make sure and do it before they walk past you and don't mumble.
One woman on the register at Walgreens bawls out good morning! every time someone walks in the store. Depending on my mood I either reply or ignore her.

Seeing dog owners putting their dog's poop in plastic bags (when they walk their pets outside).
"We enjoy the night, the darkness, where we can do things that aren’t acceptable in the light.
Night is when we slake our thirst."
~ William Hill ~

Seeing dog owners putting their dog's poop in plastic bags (when they walk their pets outside).
Am I missing something, isn't that good that they pick it up?

For walking my neighbors dogs, I get bags at a dispenser at the park (when or if there are any left). They're specially designed to pick up doggie "business" (they even work like a glove with a separated "business" end). But they say "biodegradable" on them - yet they look and feel like any other plastic bag.
Is there a biodegradable plastic?

Trouble with a capital "T"
For walking my neighbors dogs, I get bags at a dispenser at the park (when or if there are any left). They're specially designed to pick up doggie "business" (they even work like a glove with a separated "business" end). But they say "biodegradable" on them - yet they look and feel like any other plastic bag.
Is there a biodegradable plastic?
Sure, plastic made from corn oil products.

For walking my neighbors dogs, I get bags at a dispenser at the park (when or if there are any left). They're specially designed to pick up doggie "business" (they even work like a glove with a separated "business" end). But they say "biodegradable" on them - yet they look and feel like any other plastic bag.
Is there a biodegradable plastic?
Beyond annoying when people scoop their dog’s poop, but then throw the bag full of poop on the ground. Happens every day on my street & I get to pick it up.

People are so frickin thick.

People (especially medical offices) who leave voice mails in a very fast mumbled voice. Drives me nuts listening multiple times & then I don’t always get the full number.

How do old people cope with this? Answering machines do let one slow down the voice mail, but then the caller sounds like a zombie.

Trouble with a capital "T"
People (especially medical offices) who leave voice mails in a very fast mumbled voice. Drives me nuts listening multiple times & then I don’t always get the full number....
Hate that and it happens far too often.