Doom: The movie


Thursday Is Best
watching john stewart couple days ago and well he was interveiwing the rock. and he asked about any upcoming moveis, teh rock mentioned doom. and said it was to be out august 2005 and i belive teh rock is ither the main character or teh bad guy. cant wait for thise movie, gunna be insanly kickass, i hope.

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"The stage is set to rip the wings from a butterfly" - Thursday

Hmm.. Ive played the back-in-the-day Doom, and I have to say- Im not optimistic about the ability of this movie to impress me. What exactly is he going to do? Hold a gun and duck/run/shoot the entire movie?
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Originally Posted by mack
Hmm.. Ive played the back-in-the-day Doom, and I have to say- Im not optimistic about the ability of this movie to impress me. What exactly is he going to do? Hold a gun and duck/run/shoot the entire movie?
heh yeah, I finished Doom and can't really remember any kind of storyline at all. Maybe the movie is just called doom and we're just reading too much into it

Thursday Is Best
well he said it was roughly based on the game, different planet same situation. portal of hell opens and stuff. uses same weapons and stuff and it will be nothing like the origonal doom, if u havent played doom 3 yet tehn do so, good storyline and all and i think fully capable of a movie.

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