Tools of the Trades


You ready? You look ready.
I went to Northern Tool this morning and scored me some clearance deals.

"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

If you're going to be doing some electrical work in an old house with that crappy, cloth covered wire (I'm slowly getting rid of that garbage) these things are life savers!

I bought this about a year ago to cut out the door pins on my truck and am surprised at how useful it is. It's great for what it was designed to do but it's also a handy little pruner. I've also used it for cutting down small diameter trees/limbs and really hard salami

Trouble with a capital "T"
I used this aLOT this summer to install new windows in the house. Wouldn't you know the windows depth was greater than the ones I was replacing, meaning I had to cut all the drywall window edges back by 1/4 inch. Talk about a tough job.

I had an experience where I picked up a stub-handled ratchet screwdriver (with about six bits that fit into the handle) at Home Depot.
Upon ringing up, the cashier could not locate the price (despite the UPC on the packaging - it wasn't scanning). She went over to where I got the item to check. I was starting to feel slightly annoyed as once again I was waiting... (why do I always pick the thing they can't find a price for?)

The cashier returned and says to me, "Just take it."
I was like, "What?"
She says, "We can't locate a price, so just take it."
I said, "There's a price on the shelf over by the items."
She says, "But we can't scan the code and it doesn't come up in the computer... we'll have to fix it later... so just take it."
"For free?" I asked.
"Yes. for free." she answered.

I've never had an experience quite like that before or since.
I rarely have such incidents of good luck.
And I use that little screwdriver a lot!

I had an experience where I picked up a stub-handled ratchet screwdriver (with about six bits that fit into the handle) at Home Depot.
Upon ringing up, the cashier could not locate the price (despite the UPC on the packaging - it wasn't scanning). She went over to where I got the item to check. I was starting to feel slightly annoyed as once again I was waiting... (why do I always pick the thing they can't find a price for?)

The cashier returned and says to me, "Just take it."
I was like, "What?"
She says, "We can't locate a price, so just take it."
I said, "There's a price on the shelf over by the items."
She says, "But we can't scan the code and it doesn't come up in the computer... we'll have to fix it later... so just take it."
"For free?" I asked.
"Yes. for free." she answered.

I've never had an experience quite like that before or since.
I rarely have such incidents of good luck.
And I use that little screwdriver a lot!
Had a similar experience at Home Depot. Hunter ceiling fans were going for $99.99, good deal. When ringing the fan up, it was $9.99. They said it was their mistake and that they would honor it. This is when I passed out.

I've been on the other side of a situation like that. When I worked the customer service desk at a grocery store, a Thanksgiving turkey scanned the wrong price, so the customer got it for free. He came up to the desk afterwards and gave me a teary-eyed, sincere thank you. Moments like that made that otherwise not-so-great job bearable.

As for the main question, I test mobile apps with the actual devices, so most times, my desk is littered with phones, tablets and chargers as if it were the counter of an electronics repair shop.