Punker69's Movie Picks

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ZombIe=LoVeR's Avatar
Here's Johnny!
sharks tale sucked soooo much

just so weak
"I realize that everyone is entitled to their opinion and they have every right to express it, but some people are just stupid."-- OG-

Originally Posted by Punker69
Here's a list of my best and worst pick's of 2004:


... 10.Napolean Dynamite

Are you f*cking kidding me?!

Zombie Lover,you may have noted by now that I end all my reviews with "all an all" to summarize my review up.Get used to it

Lance,yes im serious.I found the film droning and rather lame.I didnt think the kids where good actors and being fresh isnt always a good thing.Big waste of my time.

I agree with Punker that The Grudge was terrible while I, Robot and Dodgeball were superior to most of the crap released today... and trust me, when it comes to crap I'm an expert

As for Napoleon Dynamite, you lost me there 'bro! I just watched it for the 2nd time last night and my brother-in-law and I spent the entire day quoting it at work... An absolutely hysterical movie that gets funnier every time I see it. On a related note, have ya'll watched the wedding scene after the credits roll?
Toefuzz.com - Movie reviews and quotes for those of us fortunate enough to not have our heads shoved up overly critical rectums!

My Top 100 favorite movies.

Ive have seen the wedding scene and didnt think it was funny at all.Just dry and bland.I didnt know why anybody though Napolean riding a horse was out-loud laughter worthy.Believe my I did and still do get alot of crap for hating this film but I cant help myself.It was stupid down to the last line and a total waste of my time.The only scene I can give this film credit for is the dancing scene towards the end.

Anyways here's a review.

"Bowling for Columbine"

Synoposis-Controversial filmaker Michael Moore set's out to explore America's gun policies and it's many flaws.

Review:I reallu liked this film by Michael Moore.Michael Moore continues to prove himself to me as being a bold and proffesional filmaker who knows how to voice an opinion and doesnt let people get in his way.He presents a interesting view on America and our gun policies and why we are the most violent nation on the planet.I was shocked when I found out more than 1,000 people are killed by guns in America each year.Way more than any other country around.He explores the Columbine shootings and what exactly caused the two boy's to killed 12 students at the school.The scenes of the phone calls from the people inside the school at the time of the shootings and the security footage of inside the school alone it worth renting the film.It really does something to your heart when you find out that a six year old girl was killed by her classmate who brought a gun he fouund lying around the house to school.I really liked this film because it was made by a passionate filmaker who wanted to explore the subject of gun safety using facts and stories that made me want to just cry at times because they where so horrible.In one scene he gather two surviving kids from Columbine highschool who where shot but survived.They travel to the local K-Mart who sold the bullets to the students who shot up the school that day.The two boy's talked to the people in charge and demanded answer's as to why ammunition it still available and after a few days K-Mart said it would no longer sell ammunition in it's stores.Then Moore went to the President of the NRA's house and talked to him about the gun control of this nation.The man was so upset with the question's Moore was presenting to him about the little girl that was shot and about our safety that he actually had to leave the room.

All an All definately pick this film up at your local video store if you havent seen it.It's very much worth a watch.

"Bowling For Columbine"-9/10

You really need to do a little background research on Bowling for Columbine Punker.

ZombIe=LoVeR's Avatar
Here's Johnny!
ok fine im over it........can't you at least refresh me at times

like in conclusion

Mose,what do you mean?


Director: James Wan
MPAA Rating: R
Studio: Lions Gate Films

Synopsis: Follows a serial killer the police have nicknamed 'Jigsaw' because of the madman's bloody calling card. Waking up in a mysterious room, two men (Elwes and Whannell) find themselves trapped in the serial killer's twisted game.
Review:Well the film opens up with a two average American guys chained to a pole in a run-downed bathroom.A tape that is left to them states that the doctor must kill the person in the room with him before a designated time or his wife and daughter will die."SAW" isnt one of the those movies that's just flat out scary but it does deserve credit for it's above average script.I liked how they could make a 100 minute movie without making it dull and boring.I liked how they kept receiving clues on why there there and all the secret's that they uncover about each other while there chained.Also all the great diolage and conversations where interesting to watch because these people where in these strange conditions and they each know a secret about the other person.I also liked seeing all the way's the Jigsaw Killer found out to kill his victim's.Really sickening but interesting and unique.

Now to the bad sides.I didnt like how the film annoyingly switching back in forth through time.It's one of the problems I had with "The Grudge" and it's one I had with this film.And then the ending wich I wont give away was just so cheesy and defied all laws that even horror movies set out.It is almost literally impossible to do what the jigsaw killer did pull it off.Also the whole thing with the cop was nuts.I think they should've not tried to make so many twist and just make it a little more simplier.

Anyways it's good for a rent but not really worth a purchase.Just take what ive said in the second paragraph and try watch it knowing these facts so you wont be dissapointed for any reason.


Neutral Milk Hotel
All I can say is that Eternal Sunshine definetly shouldve been on that list.
" I see in your eyes, the same fear that would take the heart of me. A day may come when the courage of men fails, whe we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. May and hour of wolves and shattered shields before the age of men comes crashing down, but it is not this day! This day we Fight! For all that you hold dear on this good earth, I bid you stand men of the west!!"
-Aragorn: The Lord of the Rings the Return of the King

I just know they're coming to kill me.
Originally Posted by Uncle Rico
All I can say is that Eternal Sunshine definetly shouldve been on that list.
Are you in bed with the people who made this film to advertise it more? I mean, geez, every other word out of your mouth is Eternal Sunshine, Eternal Sunshine, Eternal Sunshine... give it a rest already!
Everything I do, I do to make my second stepdad proud.

That's basically the case with everyone ive talked to who's seen the film.From what I've gathered it's really good I just have never gotten around to see it.

Originally Posted by Punker69
Mose,what do you mean?
Punker - Check out some of these sites:


Interesting topic but I dont believe some internet and magazine editors more than Michael Moore.Maybe he is a liar but until actually proof of him editing video's and faking images come's out I wont believe some politicians who may call him a liar just to protect themselves.

I have looked at Michael Moor's films closely and cant seem to find alot of times when Michael Moore dubbed someone or took someone out of context.

My opinion stands.I think "Columbine" is a great film and not just because of the stuff on weapon's,I said before that the scenes of columbine and the interview on the people there alone where worth a rental.

I dont want to drift off-topic on politics so if you want to continue this discussion further I ask you to make another thread about it.

Originally Posted by Punker69
Here's a list of my best and worst pick's of 2004:


2.White Chicks
3.The WHole Ten Yards
4.Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen
6.The Grudge
7.Johnsons Family Vacation
8.Along Came Polly
10.Napolean Dynamite


1.Kill Bill Vol. 2 - The Passion of the Christ
2.Spider-Man 2
4.Fahrenheit 9/11
5.The Bourne Supremacy
6.The Terminal
7.The Village
8.Big Fish
Not sure why people liked Spidey 2 so much... Not all that it's hyped up to be... Didn't like I, Robot much either. Too predictable. I basically agree with all your worst picks, except Napolean Dynamite. It wasn't all that bad except that it was slow.
Really liked Big Fish and Passion. Hero was certainly different and Kill Bill Vol 2. was alright.
Keep the reviews coming

And this is my BOOMstick!
Originally Posted by loopie
Didn't like I, Robot much either. Too predictable.
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"All I have in this world is my balls and my word, and I don't break them for no one."

Originally Posted by Punker69
Interesting topic but I dont believe some internet and magazine editors more than Michael Moore.Maybe he is a liar but until actually proof of him editing video's and faking images come's out I wont believe some politicians who may call him a liar just to protect themselves.

I have looked at Michael Moor's films closely and cant seem to find alot of times when Michael Moore dubbed someone or took someone out of context.

My opinion stands.I think "Columbine" is a great film and not just because of the stuff on weapon's,I said before that the scenes of columbine and the interview on the people there alone where worth a rental.

I dont want to drift off-topic on politics so if you want to continue this discussion further I ask you to make another thread about it.

Sir, yes Sir! In the future I will refrain from commenting on your reviews if my feelings differ from yours!

I dont mean that but just dont drift too off-topic.I will be happy to discuss it with you further in another thread if you wish.

Originally Posted by loopie
Not sure why people liked Spidey 2 so much... Not all that it's hyped up to be... Didn't like I, Robot much either. Too predictable.
"Spider-Man 2" was one of those movies that I call excellent.It's the best superhero movie of all time in my opinion and it's CGI is awesome.
I like how the fact that they where making a superhero movie didnt refrain them from making a good story also.Peter Park is a college student struggling with managing his life as spider-man with his ordinary life.We see the points where he has to give up the people he loves because he doesnt want to put them in danger and when he decides being spider-man isnt for him anymore.Those where all great points of the story and helped make it a little more realistic and enjoyable.

"I,Robot" was just a personal favorite.It had awesome CGI and Alex Proyas portrayed the future world so vividly and colorfully that it's hard to say it was bad.I really didnt think the ending was that predictable I mean most action movies are but I didnt figure out till the end that the computer program controlling the building was the bad girl or that sonny was the man in the picture.

"Napolean Dynamite" is just one of the those movies that was slow and boring to the point where I wanted to die while I was watching.I felt like a drone watching this piece of cinema crap.People kept saying it was original and funny but about the only thing original and funny was the girl's hairstyle.

Originally Posted by loopie
I basically agree with all your worst picks, except Napolean Dynamite. It wasn't all that bad except that it was slow.

"The Cooler"

William H. Macy plays a cooler in Lion Gates Films "The Cooler".Basically Macy is hired by the runner of the old school casino played wonderfully by Alec Baldwin.Macy's character is so unlucky that he can actually just walk by or sit down at a hot table and all the luck will leave and the players will start losing.He does this so the Casino wont lose alot of money and it works great until Macy falls in love with a waitress working at the casino played by Mario Bello.Lady luck soon becomes active and Macy starts becoming lucky again.This creates anger and confusion with Alec Baldwin because Macy is no longer causing winners to lose but instead causing them to win.

The thing I liked about this film is the idea of this cooler who is so unlucky that he is hired by the manager of the casino to make the other players unlucky.There's this really loosery guy who's job is just being himself for hours during the day.He a quiet loser who's likable though enough to win the audiences support.You feel sorry for him and as a viewer are so happy when he finds a girl that he's able to connect with and share his feelings with.I cant really tell you anything else without giving the film away although thats it's great and interesting and wont be a waste of your time.

"The Cooler"-4.5/5

Originally Posted by Punker69
"The Cooler"

William H. Macy plays a cooler in Lion Gates Films "The Cooler".Basically Macy is hired by the runner of the old school casino played wonderfully by Alec Baldwin.Macy's character is so unlucky that he can actually just walk by or sit down at a hot table and all the luck will leave and the players will start losing.He does this so the Casino wont lose alot of money and it works great until Macy falls in love with a waitress working at the casino played by Mario Bello.Lady luck soon becomes active and Macy starts becoming lucky again.This creates anger and confusion with Alec Baldwin because Macy is no longer causing winners to lose but instead causing them to win.

The thing I liked about this film is the idea of this cooler who is so unlucky that he is hired by the manager of the casino to make the other players unlucky.There's this really loosery guy who's job is just being himself for hours during the day.He a quiet loser who's likable though enough to win the audiences support.You feel sorry for him and as a viewer are so happy when he finds a girl that he's able to connect with and share his feelings with.I cant really tell you anything else without giving the film away although thats it's great and interesting and wont be a waste of your time.

"The Cooler"-4.5/5
Yeah i love william H. Macy. He's always good for a laugh. He was excellent in fargo.

This movie "cooler" however was in and out of theatres so quickly wasn't it? I meant to see it but by the time i was up for it, it was gone.

Yeah I recall it having a quick release also.

"Edward Scissorhands"

Synopsis: When a mad scientist meets an early death his creation is left to fend with scissors for hands.

Review:I just finished watching this film and I realized that Tim Burton is a really great director.He has a colorful and sometimes dark imaginative style that he brings to his movie to make them feel unique and special just like his characters.I liked the idea of this guy with scissors for hands and how he try's to cope with living in an everyday society.At first the town doesnt know who he is and they are all very curious to meet him.They soon except him and they start letting him make beautiful arrangments with there bushes.They also let him cut their hair and their dogs hair and pretty soon he starts to gain a little bit of the feeling that he is normal.

Johny Depp is a great actor who can bring so much sense and style to any character that he is given.After I saw him in this role he became in my opinion one of the best actors around.He's so believable whether it be Captain Jack Sparrow or Edward Scissorhands he is truely gifted.He plays the character to where you can understand him and feel compassionate for him.

There is one minor thing that I just couldnt figure out about the movie.All throughout the film whenever you seen a new room it's always plain and dull.I dont know if that's part of Burton's plan to make the place special or if its just the result of a low-budget.It was kind of hard watching the film that had such a great look on the outside but inside the house and the castle where dull and empty.It created a sort of mis-matched feel to the film.

All an All if you havent seen this film yet than pick it up.With a director like Tim Burton and an actor like Johny Depp what can go wrong?

"Edward Scissorhands"-7/10