The Personal Recommendation Hall of Fame III: Foreign Language Edition


Hi guys, sorry, something's come up at work and i'm not going to be able to do this in time. Time not on my side with this one but I'll be sure to keep reading the thread. Thanks.

I never bought this...the last one is still going 6 months later.

Anyway, there's a Dunkin' Donuts 10 minutes away and I wouldn't mind getting paid while I post. Add that in with the hour shopping I did earlier and it's not a bad living.

Back to work for me so I'll check the reactions later. Clearly the big winner is Hey Fredrick who has to sit through a 3 hour lesbian film because SOMEONE ELSE picked it out

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My list thoughts

A Man Escaped- been looking to watch this for awhile now

Breathless- been holding off because I think it could be a favorite Goddard and I don't always like to unveil all the good ones right away.

Children of Paradise- if I remember right I am daunted by the runtime I thought it was pretty long. Oh well.

Diabolique- started before never got far. Hope to love.

Open Your Eyes- never heard of this

Rocco and his brothers- heard of but know literally nothing

Rosetta- never heard of

Seven Samurai- hopefully legendary

Shoot the Piano Player- hope to really like

Shoplifters- I'd be surprised if I didn't enjoy this

Whisper of the Heart- love Ghibli so it's got a nice shot to be loved.

I’d say Citizen and Wyldsyde are gonna like most of their noms

Someone here REALLY likes A Man Escaped cause it’s popping up alot, interesting to see how people will react to it

I LOVE Le Trou, woman in the Dunes and the Vanishing, can’t wait to see the reactions to those.

There’s also a few there that I might check out for myself, I have World on a Wire on dvd and ‘Taste of Cherry’ is on youtube

Enjoy everyone

The trick is not minding
Bicycle Thieves (1948)
I’m high on Italian Neorealism, and thought Shoeshine was a great film from De Sica. Same director, just a few years apart.
Harakiri (1962)
Was hoping for this one. I plan on watching this and then Miike’s remake for comparison.
High and Low (1963)
I was hoping for Kurosawa films. This is one of his Noir films that don’t usually get the same recognition of his Samurai films. Very happy.
The Last Emperor (1987)
Best Picture winner that has been on my watch list for ages.
L'Avventura (1960)
Another that’s been on my watch list for ages.
Persona (1966)
Ah, Bergman. We meet again. Surprisingly seen very little of his work. Should be a good place to start up
Rome, Open City (1945)
Another Italian Neorealist film that’s been on my watch list for ages.
Santa Sangre (1989)
Jodorowsky. I haven’t watched any of his films yet, because I’ve read they can be hard to get into. Wanted to watch this last year when it was available on Amazon, but it was removed before I could. Now I have no excuse.
Show Me Love (1998)
Only film I’m not familiar with.
Stalker (1979)
I figured I’d get this. It was inevitable that Tarkovsky would get nominated for me, as he is a huge blind spot, but this should be a good introduction to his films.
Umbrellas of Cherbourg (1964)
Demy musical. Heard about this ages ago. Should be interesting as well.

Very good mix of countries, genre, decades. Am hype.

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
Some of these have been on my haven't got round to it yet list for a good ten years; others I know nothing about.

Looking forward to it.

I hope you all like my picks for you, it was harder being restricted to foreign films so in most cases they are films I love that I wanted everyone to watch, with some thought about which one was most suitable for each person of course. Good to see a lot of my second choices on the lists. (Or my first choice, in one case).

I've no idea which film 4 people tried to pick for me - maybe something everyone else saw in a hall of fame I didn't join. I'd guess the Marriage of Maria Braun as that seems the most obvious pick for me.

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
Children of Paradise- if I remember right I am daunted by the runtime I thought it was pretty long. Oh well.
This was not my pick for you but it is very good so don't let the run time put you off. Have an intermission!