New Willy Wonka


Originally Posted by The_Elephant_Man
But Im porbably the biggest Tim Burton fan on this site
I bet im a Bigger Tim Burton Fan then you!

I doubt it..
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Originally Posted by The_Elephant_Man
I doubt it..
i doubt your bigger then me.

Did you see his The World of Stainboy cartoon? which was kinda stupid...

and you saw the TV show "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" Ep. - "The Jar"?

and of course all his movies on dvd?

All his movies on dvd is a no brainer dude.. Plus all the books... All the figures.....Plus an autographed copy of the Edward Scissohands movie which is authentic cause I got them to sign it myself!

Originally Posted by The_Elephant_Man
Plus an autographed copy of the Edward Scissohands movie which is authentic cause I got them to sign it myself!
Who is them? i thought we were talking about Tim Burton.

I got the book Burton on Burton signed by Tim Burton.

and of course i have all of Tim Burton's movies burned, expect The Nightmare Before Christmas and Ed Wood.

The is Tim Burton, Johnny Depp, Winnona Ryder an a couple others... You don't even have em all!! Plus there burned that is a disgrace my friend... That is... You have stouped to a whole new level.

Originally Posted by The_Elephant_Man
The is Tim Burton, Johnny Depp, Winnona Ryder an a couple others... You don't even have em all!! Plus there burned that is a disgrace my friend... That is... You have stouped to a whole new level.

JERRY JERRY JERRY! I am a big Burton fan as well, but not stupid enough to waste all my money to say I am the biggest fan. How did you get your stuff signed by him anyway, and Johnny Depp and Wynona?

Originally Posted by The_Elephant_Man
The is Tim Burton, Johnny Depp, Winnona Ryder an a couple others... You don't even have em all!! Plus there burned that is a disgrace my friend... That is... You have stouped to a whole new level.
It's considering have them all even if there burned idiot. I even burned the The World of StainBoy on dvd.

Does it matter if i have them burned or not? It's called saving money. And what level did i "stouped" down to? just because i copy dvds? so what, why dont you make a fuss to all the other people that do it...

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Originally Posted by The_Elephant_Man
All his movies on dvd is a no brainer dude.. Plus all the books... All the figures.....Plus an autographed copy of the Edward Scissohands movie which is authentic cause I got them to sign it myself!
You're coming off like a jerk. There are people out there that like what you like. I know sometimes we get possesive of the movies, actors, directors--whatever, that we REALLY enjoy but other people have a right to claim fanship. Don't be so holier-than-thou about it. Be nice.
Ya got me feelin' hella good so let's just keep on dancin'

Hey im just trying to clear stuff up. So what if I come across a jerk maybe I am. I dunno.. Or maybe I do. Im just saying cause he in a way started the whole damn thing..

About burning though.. I just think burning dvd's isn't cool i mean like the people work hard to get the dvd's out there not to be just burned for almost free. I mean thats just stupid. Plus you dont get the features and really.

Originally Posted by LordChuchu
JERRY JERRY JERRY! I am a big Burton fan as well, but not stupid enough to waste all my money to say I am the biggest fan. How did you get your stuff signed by him anyway, and Johnny Depp and Wynona?
Well, he didn't say he was his biggest fan. There's probably Bigger fans then him. But he did say he was probably the biggest fan on MoFo.

I would'nt waste my money on ALL of a Director's movies. Only the ones i like.

Elephant man, why would you spend money on Burton's Planet of the Apes and Mars Attacks! those would have on the bottom of Tim Burton's best movies, NOT even on the list!

I know those weren't the greatest Tim Burton flicks but still if i go collecting I wanna get them. Plus I like the music.

Originally Posted by The_Elephant_Man
About burning though.. I just think burning dvd's isn't cool i mean like the people work hard to get the dvd's out there not to be just burned for almost free. I mean thats just stupid. Plus you dont get the features and really.
This is what i think...

Originally Posted by Holden Pike
Aaaaarrrr. Avast, ye, Matey!

It's illegal. But is it "wrong"? What if there's a man who is starving to find entertainment for his family, let's say premium well-known A-list films newly released to the home video market, but he can't afford them. OK, he can afford them, but even on sale $17.99 at Best Buy is still a little steep, Mr. Eisner. After all, these are staples of a young person in America and to deny them such marketing is a kind of child abuse, really. So he decides not to shoplift, which is a baser street level of theft that requires large coats and demagnetizing security strips, but instead to burn pirated copies and then distribute them to other unfortunates like himself, who only want for their children to see Finding Nemo on the best format available. And besides, at his low, low prices, he's practically giving them away. Why it's more like charity than a criminal enterprise for profit. In a way, you could say he's simply doing god's work. And bless him for his service, I says.
i agree with Holden...

If you want people's thoughts on the Subject go here

Originally Posted by The_Elephant_Man
I know those weren't the greatest Tim Burton flicks but still if i go collecting I wanna get them. Plus I like the music.
If you like the Music go back the Soundtrack

But overall you buying Mars Attacks! and Planet of the Apes, you are probably a bigger fan then me.

Ok, let's go back to Tim Burton's Willy Wonka Movie...

Welcome to the human race...
If it's anything like the other films of his I saw, it's going to be good (the only other Burton movies I've seen are Beetlejuice and Ed Wood, though) If anyone can pull off Wonka (other than Wilder of course) it has to be Depp.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
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Originally Posted by Zzat
This is what i think...i agree with Holden......
Yeah well anyone can make up an example like that, what if there's a russian mafia boss who is getting all his drug dealers killed so he invests in pirated movies and sells them via Asian countries to tourists, there have been several arrests for this kind of piracy (I made up the drugdealers part) but you think this isn't wrong?

Even though I might think it's wrong doesn't mean you should or should not download movies, but there should always be a little give and take. I have burnt music before but I buy all my DVD's and some other music CD's so I try to make it even out. That's just my take on it all, to each his own after all this is a forum.

Concerning the thread topic I think they should leave the classics the way they are. plus Johnny Depp can't just play the kid because he's not a kid and you can't make up a new story of an old guy without enough money for chocolate. Puh-lease

In the Beginning...
Originally Posted by SpoOkY
Concerning the thread topic I think they should leave the classics the way they are. plus Johnny Depp can't just play the kid because he's not a kid and you can't make up a new story of an old guy without enough money for chocolate. Puh-lease
Johnny Depp is playing Willy Wonka, not Charlie Bucket.

im suprised none of you huge burton fans has posted the official (i think) poster or teaser poster or whatever it is. with no further adu....