What Were You Like In High School?


I have a tourette's like thing where I get triggered to repeat that line.

I was a nerd, lol.
"When fortune smiles on something as violent and ugly as revenge, it seems proof like no other, that not only does God exist, you're doing His will." ~ The Bride

I'm not old, you're just 12.
High School sucked for me. I had severe anxiety and depression that weren't being controlled, and I was bullied mercilessly for this, essentially. I barely talked to anyone. I liked art class and marching band, and I got suspended several times for skipping gym. I was the poor kid, my clothes were always not the style, I always had a bad haircut. I didn't date, even though I had a major crush on a girl in my art class. I didn't want to risk the rejection. I almost dropped out several times, but I didn't in the end.

I had my friends in my Boy Scout troop, and they kept me sane, and I loved movies, comic books, and Star Trek.

My life as a middle aged adult is a billion times better. I'd never go back to those days, I wouldn't ever want to be young again. I don't even enjoy high school movies.
"You, me, everyone...we are all made of star stuff." - Neil Degrasse Tyson


I was kind of an idiot. I had limited talents so without what I have now I suppose, I wasn't much of anything but a goofball. I wasn't a complete loser. I had my wits about me in some areas, but I skipped all of the time. Tried to make out or more with girls as often as possible, and did get some bully action coming my way from time to time. I had long hair, and flat top jocks didn't like that, so they would taunt sometimes. Whatever. Most of those guys would torture cats while waiting to be enrolled in the military so...not even a urine stain on my memory. I wish them well.

Great, all chicks in lines to bang me.
I didn't even finish high school, I saw it as a hypocrisy where bad thought teachers were wasting my time.
I saw it as a preparation for a system I didn't want to belong, now I realized I have to belong, because is harder if I choose otherwise.

There were 1,000 kids in my class. I was probably the smartest, but also lazy. My parents were divorced, and my mother worked very hard and loved us very much, but was not necessarily the best life-teacher parent. So I did not have a good work ethic. My best friend, on the other hand, was an overachiever, and he was our valedictorian. We would often sit next to each other and talk in class, without regard for the other students or teacher. One time, for a final exam where we were both guaranteed A's, we sat at the back of the room and openly cheated on the test. The other students complained, but the teacher knew we were guaranteed A's anyway, so she didn't care.

I imagine I was at times the Hermione Granger of my class, quick to raise my hand and answer questions, quick to correct the teacher when he/she was wrong, but also sometimes just plain rude and annoying.

I am nothing like that in my adult life, thank God.

At least when I was in high school it was very different from American movies. In here we had no such a strict adherence to narrow social groups and vast majority of people got along with practically everyone.
^ This. British school system for me, and at the time I was at school it was all fine and dandy.

I had my main group of friends through the whole of high school and that was that. The school I went to had a very good anti bullying programme and didn't have soft teachers that took any old ****e and don't remember seeing any bullying, I was never bullied and can't remember any of my friends getting bullied as I would have thumped the bully(I think that answers why I wasn't bulled...) So yeah, pretty normal high school life in that sense.

Also I was a goth in high school and when it came to the uniform I got in trouble a few times because I changed it around a bit compared to what you had to wear. I was a uniform rebel.

Apart from that, I was a good student, excellent at sports(except field hockey, hated it - basically everyone was rubbish including me and most of the time we just stood there worried we were going to get whacked in the face with a hockey stick after one girl was smacked in the mouth...yeah, we didn't wear safety helmets or gum shields in field hockey), and fine with every academic subject except for maths and languages. Urgh, terrible at maths.

Same for me. I never felt the kind of pressure kids show in movies. But then again, they are the movies, unless some American student can tell me how it is, i just wouldn't know. For me, i was eager to go to school every morning, just to mess around with friends and by that i mean more or less the whole class. It was truly a fun time. College was even better, but school was awesome.
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