TSPDT 2018


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I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
Interesting lists, Camo, thanks. I'm particularly interested in the 21st Century one - the all-time you can pretty much guess which classics will be there, but there are lot of films from the past few years that it might take a while for people to get round to them and appreciate them. I want to watch more 21st century films (alongside women directors and 30s movies for the mofo lists, obviously ) and that looks like a great place to start.

My stats:

43/50 for the top 50
487/1000 of the top 1000
205/999 of the second list (possibly more, I found three I hadn't checked off on the first page or two already)
318/1000 of the 21st Century list (which is higher than I thought it would be)
142/1000 of the horror (no surprise, it's not really my genre)

Good thread, cheers Camo. It's interesting that there's only 3 films made in the last 17 years in the top 175.

Of my personal top 10 movies:

My #1 = lower than 500th
My #2 = Not on the list
My #3 = Not on the list
My #4 = in the top 100
My #5 = in the top 150
My #6 = in the top 5
My #7 = in the top 100
My #8 = not on the list
My #9 = in the top 500
My #10 = in the top 75

Also the list on Letterboxd for anyone who has it since it tells you how many you've seen - https://letterboxd.com/oscarkit316/l...-2018-edition/

Perhaps the best list of its kind, only second to Movies that deserve a cookie,
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

The 21st Century list was released on the 7th, thought it was later this month. Full List - http://www.theyshootpictures.com/21s...ilms_table.php

Top 50 (2017 position in brackets):

01. In The Mood For Love (1)
02. Mulholland Drive (2)
03. Yi Yi (3)
04. There Will Be Blood (4)
05. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (7)
06. Cache (5)
07. The Tree of Life (6)
08. Spirited Away (8)
09. Tropical Malady (9)
10. Brokeback Mountain (10)
11. Wall-E (12)
12. City of God (14)
13. Lost In Translation (16)
14. Russian Ark (13)
15. Dogville (20)
16. Werckmeister Harmonies (11)
17. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (15)
18. The White Ribbon (19)
19. Talk To Her (23)
20. The Death of Mr. Lazerascu (17)
21. No Country For Old Men (26)
22. A Separation (25)
23. Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives (18)
24. The Turin Horse (28)
25. Punch-Drunk Love (27)
26.Tie Xi Qu: West of the Tracks (22)
27. The Gleaners And I (21)
28. Melancholia (20)
29. Elephant (24)
30. Pan's Labyrinth (39)
31. Before Sunset (31)
32. The Lives of Others (32)
33. Grizzly Man (34)
34. The Social Network (33)
35. A History of Violence (36)
36. Sideways (29)
37. Inland Empie (40)
38. Platform (35)
39. 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days (41)
40. Zodiac (37)
41. A.I. Artificial Intelligence (46)
42. Boyhood (47)
43. Y Tu Mama Tambien (38)
44. Memento (42)
45. Amour (43)
46. The Royal Tenenbaums (44)
47. Silent Light (48)
48. Collosal Youth (45)
49. The Hurt Locker (49)
50. Dancer in the Dark (50)

Top ten of 2017:

117. Get Out
183. Call Me By Your Name
217. The Florida Project
240. Lady Bird
269. Dunkirk
339. Faces Places
370. The Shape of Water
399. Twin Peaks: The Return
417. Phantom Thread
434. A Ghost Story

Top 100 21st Century Directors: http://www.theyshootpictures.com/21s...directors.html

Letterboxd list - https://letterboxd.com/oscarkit316/l...aimed-films-1/

The Wire is the one missing from that. Including The Wire i've seen 385/1000.

I can understand why Twin Peaks is on the 21st century list but why is The Wire on there?

Originally Posted by Iroquois
To be fair, you have to have a fairly high IQ to understand MovieForums.com.

I can understand why Twin Peaks is on the 21st century list but why is The Wire on there?
Some site must have had it on their best 21st Century films list. Not sure who. It's seen as one of the best pieces of art of the 21st Century by many so i'm guessing some film focused site or critic felt so passionately about it that they wanted to include it, the site or critic possibly didn't do TV and they wanted to mention it. Just a guess i'm not sure what happened.