Movies with major twists


A few months ago i watched Chinatown, Gone girl and Vertigo only because I had heard and read many times that they have a major plot twist only to be left Here is my list of movies with genuine plot twists

1. The Mist (2007)
2. Book of Eli (2010)
3. Source code (2011)
4. Salt (2010)
5. Sixth sense (1999)
6. Citizen Kane (1941)
7. Mystic River (2003)
8. Remember me (2010)
9. Shutter Island (2010)
10. Unknown (2011)
11. Rosemary's baby (1968)
12. Fight Club (1999)
13. Psycho (1960)
14. The game (1997)
15. Memento (2000)
16. Secret window (2004)
17. The village (2004)
18. The prestige (2006)

not in any order

The Mist wasn't really twist. It's shocking ending. Same with Citizen Kane.
So you tell me you figured twists in Chinatown,Gone Girl and Vertigo??

Welcome to the human race...
OP, what is your criteria for a "genuine" plot twist? I would definitely contend that Chinatown, Gone Girl, and Vertigo all have legit twists to the narrative. Did anyone go into Shutter Island and not expect it to take a certain twist that seemed a little obvious from the trailer itself?

luf, The Mist's ending definitely has a twist. I'll agree that Citizen Kane doesn't have a twist, though.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

I hated The Mist. Thought it was terrible.

I suppose The Usual Suspects has to be up there, as overrated as it is.

The secret in their eyes
Arlington Road

My favourite though:

I quite like the double-dose of irony at the end of The Mist myself, have never regarded it as a twist though.

Favourite twist for me will probably always be from the original Planet Of The Apes. More a revelation than a twist I suppose but nonetheless it was unexpected and did alter previous perceptions so I count it as one.

Welcome to the human race...
Incendies is such a good answer that I didn't want to mention it here because it feels like too much of a spoiler (which goes for most other possible answers, really).

Arlington Road's twist is still my favourite. Probably has alot to do with the fact i watched it when i was nine or something.

I saw the Incendies one coming pretty early on, i did start doubting myself to be fair though so i was never 100% sure. Still liked it alot.

Arlington Road's twist is still my favourite. Probably has alot to do with the fact i watched it when i was nine or something.

I saw the Incendies one coming pretty early on, i did start doubting myself to be fair though so i was never 100% sure. Still liked it alot.
Yeah, Arlington Road's twist definitely ranks up there on the list of great twists. Perhaps not a great movie overall... but a truly terrific twist that no one saw coming.... "Boom"

For all your recasting needs
How has no one added Primal Fear? That movie had a better twist at the end than most of the movies on the list. It was so good.