Best Final Scene?


me head hurts...
Δύο άτομα. Μια μάχη. Κανένας συμβιβασμός.

Originally Posted by moonchild
I hope no one slaps me for this but that final scene of the Little Mermaid - When Ariel is saying bye to her dad? *SOBS*

Get a hold of yourself man!
Barbosa: "Thank You Jack."
Jack Sparrow: "...Your Welcome."
Barbosa: "No. We named the monkey Jack."

Pirates of The Carribean

Originally Posted by StarSailor
The Usual Suspects - made me watch it again, immediately.

I agree. The ending came from the left field and totally blew my mind. I stopped the DVD and played it again from the beginning making sure I paid more attention to the suttle hints all throughout the movie


Most of the time you can see a twist like that coming, especially when it concerns a 'hidden/secret identity". But this!


In your face. Brilliant!


Bug Planet Proximus
thats it! i finally found it. my favourite final scene ever.
i'm still laughing from it.
The last scene to A Ma Soeur! is so typically French i had to laugh at the irony, in a very disturbing and uncomfortable way.

The ending to this movie summarises my thoughts on all of the French arthouse films released in the past few years that have been stunning and shocking us western crowds.
I love it how twisted this 'happy ending' is, if you can call it that.... probably not. meh, lets just call it.. 'the french happy ending'.
Anyway, through out the movie the fat sister frequently comments that she'd like to lose her virginity to a stranger rather than a person she's in love with. And her older much more attractive sister curses her mother for how she is treating her and wishes she could just die, along with her mother and sister. Then, the fat sister comments she doesnt want to die yet.
And soon in the ending scene the three women are sleeping in their parked car at night until a burglar comes along and kills the mother and older sister, before raping the fat younger sister and leaving her alive in the woods.
I guess things just have a funny way of working out

btw, i would have just ruined the ending for a lot of the people out there who haven't seen the movie, presumably a lot. But it doesnt matter that much, the ending comes so abruptly and out of nowhere that you can still enjoy the movie for its disturbing portrayal of adolescence and the supreme poon master Italian guy in the movie. (hell, he could even charm the pants off me.)

Kill Bill Volume 1 (Made me wanna watch the second.)
Halloween (The original.)
Freddy vs. Jason. (Not bad.)
Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (SO much evil left.)
Seaside Shack