The Walking Dead: Season 7


You can't win an argument just by being right!
I know one thing - large felines no make good house pet!

Cashed up bogans. Idiots!

Animal intelligence isn't exactly uncharted territory - it has some established parameters in reality (as opposed to say the biology of animated deceased humans). Some animals can do a lot to aid a battle, but there's limit to the amount of verbal communication used for planning that even the smartest of them can understand.

Thus, how did King Ezekiel instruct or signal his tiger to attack the bad guy? Conceivably, the King & the tiger were several hundred yards away but in visual range as Negan moved behind Carl. So how did the King let the tiger know - "attack the guy at 200 yards away to the right of Negan (the guy with the bat) or just attack Negan, but make sure to only attack the guys who are backing Negan at this time and make sure NOT to attack any of the people kneeling on the ground or our friends from Alexandria"?
Laser pointer

No matter the silly things that are highly questionable, most of the things worked on an emotional level. Seeing Shiva attack just as Negan swings at Carl was highly satisfying because I was totally sick of Negan getting it over on Rick. And Shiva did munch that one Savior's face. His jaws were totally latched onto that guy's mug. Don't know how Ezekiel got Shiva to attack the "right" people, don't care. He did what I wanted to see. Seeing Negan scared by Walker Sasha was great! The fact that he escaped these two close calls doesn't matter to me because it's not his time to die on the show. I would have liked to have seen some of Negan's lackeys get killed, like Simon for instance. But I'll be fine seeing them all drop one-by-one, hopefully next season.

Rick has to not trust the garbage people (are they called The Scavengers?) and just freaking kill them on sight. It's got to that point. No mercy. Get ready for immediate retaliation from the Saviors and their allies. Shore up your defenses and get whoever can hold a gun or use a weapon and be ready. Make sure the Hilltop, the Kingdom, and all the remaining communities are defended. I know they won't make them all come to Alexandria because there's got to be drama and worry about those outposts.

It was great but they didn't want to give us too much because they have to save up for next season. This finale was much finer than last year's. Remember how much most people cried "foul!" over that one? This show is based on a comic book about zombies and the last people on earth fighting them and other, evil survivors. I know even with comic books, once you've set your parameters, you have an obligation to follow your own rules, but what exactly are the rules in this show? Kill or be killed. Survive at all costs. And then let the "oh, brother" comic book parts fall where they may. As long as the crew continues to give good performances and there is a decent amount of action every season, I'm there. Sure, everyone has a right to complain if they don't like the way something happens on the show, I dig that. But I'm still with it for the duration hopefully...however long that may be.

A lot of people hated Season Two, but that still remains one of my favorites. The reveal of Sophia was one of the most devastating things I've seen on televised drama/horror. And it only picked up for me at that point. This season wasn't my favorite but the finale was gangbusters for me. Can't wait for Season 8!
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

Sorry Harmonica.......I got to stay here.
What would tip this show from pretty good to completely awesome would be if the tiger got killed and came back as a Walking Tiger (Crouching Tiger, Zombie Tiger)...whatever, you catch my drift.

Thus, how did King Ezekiel instruct or signal his tiger to attack the bad guy? Conceivably, the King & the tiger were several hundred yards away but in visual range as Negan moved behind Carl. So how did the King let the tiger know - "attack the guy at 200 yards away to the right of Negan (the guy with the bat) or just attack Negan, but make sure to only attack the guys who are backing Negan at this time and make sure NOT to attack any of the people kneeling on the ground or our friends from Alexandria"? [/quote]
Under-the-radar Movie Awesomeness.

The Adventure Starts Here!
Meanwhile, I still wonder what happens if a pregnant woman's baby dies in utero. Does it turn? What then? Sure, the baby doesn't have teeth yet, but egad, that just seems like a horror they haven't played out yet with anyone. And it's gruesome to even think about. They'd have to do an emergency C-section to get the walker baby out.


You can't win an argument just by being right!
Meanwhile, I still wonder what happens if a pregnant woman's baby dies in utero. Does it turn? What then? Sure, the baby doesn't have teeth yet, but egad, that just seems like a horror they haven't played out yet with anyone. And it's gruesome to even think about. They'd have to do an emergency C-section to get the walker baby out.


They share the same blood stream so wouldnt she turn as well? And why would the baby turn anyway - do you mean defective foetuses, Aus?

I ws not aware of this re ratings.

That's a huge drop.

Meanwhile, I still wonder what happens if a pregnant woman's baby dies in utero. Does it turn? What then? Sure, the baby doesn't have teeth yet, but egad, that just seems like a horror they haven't played out yet with anyone. And it's gruesome to even think about. They'd have to do an emergency C-section to get the walker baby out.


Well, Maggie's pregnant.

Except for a couple early episodes, they've pretty much steered clear of child zombies (I only recall two - the little girl Rick shoots in a parking lot and one found in a store).

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Yeh I know but why would the foetus turn in utero - is there something wrong with it?

Yeh I know but why would the foetus turn in utero - is there something wrong with it?
My guess is if the fetus dies it would turn into a zombie as all humans in this world turn into zombies upon death no matter the cause (except for a wound that destroys the brain.)

Now if the pregnant mother turned into a zombie, but was far enough along in the pregnancy (like on the verge of giving birth), she might give birth to a healthy living baby, but, being a zombie, would then eat the baby...

If she was early or midway through the pregnancy, I'm imagining zombie blood is not compatible for living fetuses as zombies don't seem to have the same requirements for oxygen (they don't seem to drown and you can't choke them to death) so perhaps their blood doesn't carry sufficient oxygen to sustain a fetus for long. Therefore, the mother might end up giving birth to a zombie baby and, since they're both zombies, could live happily ever after. I wonder if some of the motherly instinct would stay in tact and the zombie mother would hunt down some fresh humans to feed her zombie baby?

You can't win an argument just by being right!
This is hilarious. Leads me to a TMI question. If the baby, humanoid or zombie, rips the mother from A. Hole to breakfast time on exit, does mum turn into a zombie, or just her vajayjay grows teeth?

OK now you've done it and I've only had one coffee!

Do zombies have intercourse?

We still dont know if zombies poop. I think they all expire from a serious case of constipation.

This is hilarious. Leads me to a TMI question. If the baby, humanoid or zombie, rips the mother from A. Hole to breakfast time on exit, does mum turn into a zombie, or just her vajayjay grows teeth?

OK now you've done it and I've only had one coffee!

Do zombies have intercourse?

We still dont know if zombies poop. I think they all expire from a serious case of constipation.
A zombie baby would only turn the mom into a zombie if it bit or scratched her on the way out - biting's not feasible since babies don't have teeth. Since scratches transmit the virus (on the show) it must be topically secreted - and since there is often tearing during childbirth, then it's quite possible that the zombie baby could infect the mother via the open wound on the mother's body on the way out.

Zombies do not have intercourse (in either the Romero or Kirkman versions - although they've been shown to in some comedies where they are sometimes depicted as cognizant).

I would think zombies poop since all things that eat poop. Then again, perhaps their physiology is so efficient that it somehow utilizes all it consumes (has no need to separate nutrients from waste and expel excess). In that case, there should be a lot of fat zombies.

Somewhere on this thread I wrote a whole dissertation about how zombies with no access to air, food or water (trapped zombies or suffocated zombies) should be "dead" by now because their brains would have rotted inside their heads - without oxygen, nutrients or water, a brain doesn't last long inside a skull. And the show has told us if the brain is destroyed, the zombie stops.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Too much info about the pooping as I doubt zombies take off their pants first. No likey that image in my head. And I smack down your answer re zombie bonking. Everyone needs some loving, however, this is another image I dont need in my head. Please pass the bleach.

I have to amend all these theories if the zombiism acts like a biological virus.

According to the show, everyone is already a "carrier" and the virus somehow activates upon death. Receiving an "active" dose of the virus kills a living person and turns them into a zombie. Since a mother and fetus share the same bloodstream, then either one dying should, within moments (about as long as it takes to feel the effects of heroin when injected directly into the bloodstream), transfer the infected blood with the active virus to the other, thus killing & zombifying them - so neither stand a chance.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I have to amend all these theories if the zombiism acts like a biological virus.

According to the show, everyone is already a "carrier" and the virus some how activates upon death. Receiving an "active" dose of the virus kills a living person and terns them into a zombie. Since a mother and fetus share the same bloodstream, then either one dying should, within moments (about as long as it takes to feel the effects of heroin when injected directly into the bloodstream), transfer the infected blood with the active virus to the other, thus killing & zombifying them - so neither stand a chance.
OK you hve redeemed yourself with a carefully thought out response. I forgive you for the pooping commentary. Their clothes are pretty grubby, though. And I dont know how long heroin takes to impact, but I do so love general anaesthetic.

OK you hve redeemed yourself with a carefully thought out response. I forgive you for the pooping commentary. Their clothes are pretty grubby, though. And I dont know how long heroin takes to impact, but I do so love general anaesthetic.
Heroin takes a couple seconds. Basically, if it's a virus and the blood is infected, both mom & fetus are goners. Best bet is to stay alive and for the mom to just hope she doesn't miscarriage.

My question is: do zombies get full? Do they stop eating when they're full or will they eat as long as there's a food supply until they explode? In that case there should be a bunch with blown out bellies walking around who just keep eating. They wouldn't have to worry about pooping because the "food" would just fall out their front!

You can't win an argument just by being right!
LOL. Le Grande Bouf Zombie Banquet.

One more thing - if the zombiism is like a virus, then cutting off a bitten limb (like they did with Hershel) probably won't save their life.
Cutting off the limb is a way to stop venom (which has to work it's way to the heart), but I think once a virus is exposed to a bloodstream there's no way to stop it fast enough. Virus & Venom are different. Now we need some doctors to weigh in.
(Unless zombiism is a combination virus / venom???)

What if a vampire or a werewolf bites a zombie? Or vice versa?

You can't win an argument just by being right!
One more thing - if the zombiism is like a virus, then cutting off a bitten limb (like they did with Hershel) probably won't save their life.
Cutting off the limb is a way to stop venom (which has to work it's way to the heart), but I think once a virus is exposed to a bloodstream there's no way to stop it fast enough. Virus & Venom are different. Now we need some doctors to weigh in.
(Unless zombiism is a combination virus / venom???)

What if a vampire or a werewolf bites a zombie? Or vice versa?

Just say no to sparklies and wet dogs.

The Adventure Starts Here!
I just love that I post one question I've been curious about, then go out grocery shopping and come back to find the essence of an entire philosophical and medical discussion of the subject.