Rate The Last Movie You Saw


He seems to just watch what he likes, though. Nothing wrong with that.
yeah! you're right I think
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

He seems to just watch what he likes, though. Nothing wrong with that.
Don't get how this has anything to do with Steve's 9 or 10/10 scale i think we all watch what we want. He can rate films whatever he wants but he also never says anything about them so his posts are just whatever film followed by

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Maybe he thinks movies he rated
are the only worth mentioning.
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

Don't get how this has anything to do with Steve's 9 or 10/10 scale i think we all watch what we want. He can rate films whatever he wants but he also never says anything about them so his posts are just whatever film followed by
Well I think a lot of people, myself included watch movies they end up not liking. Steve may just be a safe movie-goer, who watches movies he knows he likes.

Seriously Camo how was the point of my first post not painfully obvious?

Well I think a lot of people, myself included watch movies they end up not liking. Steve may just be a safe movie-goer, who watches movies he knows he likes.
Yeah he said that already in the past.

But still, either you never expand your mind with that way of watching film OR your way of rating movies is way too generous. Either one of those. Also, even if I did watch movies i knew I loved, I wouldn't give all of them perfect ratings.

He can rate how he likes though, we've been over this before. I'm just saying is all.

Yeah he said that already in the past.

But still, either you never expand your mind with that way of watching film OR your way of rating movies is way too generous. Either one of those. Also, even if I did watch movies i knew I loved, I wouldn't give all of them perfect ratings.

He can rate how he likes though, we've been over this before. I'm just saying is all.
Yeah I mean I encourage people to expand their minds but some people just don't like to. I don't get it personally but it's whatever.

Seriously Camo how was the point of my first post not painfully obvious?
Coz you actually post about the movies you watch. Look, i really don't care about ratings i absolutely don't stick by any i've ever gave but when someone is only posting a poster and one of two ratings he's fair game to question in my opinion. edarsenal and Dadgumblah usually give really high ratings for everything they watch but nobody questions them because they also give their thoughts about the films they watch, it's not a requirement obviously but it's also fair for us to ask for a bit more if they are posting with some regularity like Steve is.

Whatever though i really don't care.

Of course it's fair game to question him. It's fair game for me to stick up for him, too. You doing okay, Camo?

Fair enough. I see your point. In the words of Michael Scott, you make very compelling argument.

Of course it's fair game to question him. It's fair game for me to stick up for him, too. You doing okay, Camo?
Continue to stick up for him then, dunno why though .

I'm fine yeah (don't think i've ever used that smiley)


Decided to give this a watch even though i cant stand Eli Roth movies because ive basically watched through all of netflix.
And like the rest of his movies-its really bad.
The girl in the picture is married to Eli,which is evident by the fact that he keeps giving her leading roles even though she cant act to save her life.Infact the whole cast was horrendous.
Spoiled,vain rich girl thinks a demostrater is cute so she decided to join-and like the weekend after she is on her was to demostrate a cause she has no clue about..in the amazons.
they of course end up being captured by cannibals,however the characters are all so unlikeable you dont really care what happens to them.
if you looking for a good movie to watch,this is not it. its not even really entertaining,its just bad.

Britney is my favorite

I'm not a fan of Eli Roth at all either, but I liked the obvious absurdity and dark humour of Knock, Knock. But I think that's the only movie I like of his...

The Bib-iest of Nickels
I liked Hostel 2. I've seen all his films, and ... that's what I can conclude - I like Hostel 2.