1 pesky sciuridae, 504 leaps, an unknown number of fillums


I rather liked the original 1960 version of The Little Shop of Horrors. More so than I did the musical remake. I know that puts me in the minority, but I just couldn't warm up to the characters in the remake.
I lean toward the remake myself, partially perhaps because it's the first version I saw but the songs do actually add something imo and for me it's just more of a fun watch.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Ironically (and this is a true story)...as soon as I post on your thread about Little Shop of Horrors, I look at the Now Playing part of MoFo and what do I see? a thread about the 30th anniversary of the 1986 Little Shop of Horrors. I thought that was kinda of funny.

Ironically (and this is a true story)...as soon as I post on your thread about Little Shop of Horrors, I look at the Now Playing part of MoFo and what do I see? a thread about the 30th anniversary of the 1986 Little Shop of Horrors. I thought that was kinda of funny.
It's actually what inspired me to pick the original as my choice for today's movie

22nd Dec:
391: Braindead (Peter Jackson - 1992, dvd)

Comedy horror that has some nice effects work (both visual and sound) and is deliciously over the top with some delightfully riotous moments of gross and gory humour (it really is offally fun in places) but is also a little patchy in places and imo would have benefitted from its runtime being pared back by a good quarter of an hour or so.

Strange I don't like that movie, especially with my love for Bad Taste.
Would say I'm surprised but whilst it's grossness should be right up your alley I think it's perhaps a little more infantile in it's humour than you like?

Would say I'm surprised but whilst it's grossness should be right up your alley I think it's perhaps a little more infantile in it's humour than you like?
I hate to say infantile since my taste can be pretty lowbrow, but something like that

24th Dec:
392: Scrooged (Richard Donner - 1988, tv)

Comedy retelling of Dickens' Scrooge that is solid enough with a good performance by Murray but for me moves up a notch when the wonderful Carol Kane joins proceedings.

393. The Lego Movie (Phil Lord & Christopher Miller - 2014, tv)

Reasonable animated comedy/adventure that wants everything to be awesome but sadly despite being sprinkled with some laugh-out-loud lines and admirably put together doesn't have an awful lot of variance and becomes a little tiring imo.

25th Dec:
393. Detective Story (William Wyler - 1951, tv)
Interesting enough character drama about those that pass through the doors of a police precinct on just the one day, centred around one particularly self-destructive police detective, that is allowed to drift into melodrama a little too often for my taste and stretches credibility but still remains watchable throughout.

26th Dec:
394. Planes (Klay Hall - 2014, tv)

Well enough made animated adventure with a few laughs but it's essentially just a formulaic and derivative remake of Cars.

395. The Train (John Frankenheimer & Arthur Penn - 1964, dvd)
Very nice WWII resistance thriller with great performances from Lancaster and Scofield that builds nicely to a satisfying conclusion.

396. How To Train Your Dragon 2 (Dean DeBlois - 2014, tv)

Follow-up animated comedy adventure that is acceptable and has a few moments but for me certainly doesn't have anywhere near the appeal of it's predecessor.

27th Dec:
397. The Password Is Courage (Andrew L. Stone - 1962, tv)

Light-hearted WWII POW jaunt that's perfectly watchable but pretty run of the mill and outside of a couple of scenes pretty forgettable too imo.

398. The Heroes Of Telemark (Anthony Mann - 1965, tv)
Decent enough WWII action adventure albeit rather formulaic and a tad over-long imo.

399. Open Grave (Gonzalo López-Gallego - 2013, dvd)

Horror/thriller that is a bit of a mess with a poor script to begin with and some of the acting isn't great throughout but it does gradually evolve into a mystery that does have a level of intrigue (as long as one is prepared to give proceedings that long) and although the story turns out to be one with nothing new to offer it's one I never really mind being told.

Scrooged was a favourite of mine as a kid, haven't seen it in years though. Lego Movie is fun, would probably rate about the same as you. Loved the first How To Train Your Dragon; it's my favourite Dreamworks film, haven't seen the sequel though.

Scrooged has waned just a little for me over the years but still a good Xmas watch imo. Like yourself I thoroughly enjoyed the original How To Train Your Dragon - it's sequel was definitely a disappointment for me, hopefully you'll think higher of it if you do give it a viewing.

29th Dec:
400. Calvary (John Michael McDonagh - 2014, tv)
Underwhelming drama that is mixed and messy in it's tone and unlike previous offering The Guard fails to deliver much of anything for me.

401. The Lady In The Van (Nicholas Hytner - 2015, tv)

Whimsical biopic of an odd relationship that slowly drifts into friendship which has its moments but not enough of them to be able to really call it entertaining.

30th Dec:
402. Ladies In Lavender (Charles Dance - 2004, tv)
Period romantic drama that benefits from performances by both Dames (Dench and Smith) as the leads and is a decent enough watch if a little twee and predictable.

Trouble with a capital "T"
401. The Lady In The Van (Nicholas Hytner - 2015, tv)
Whimsical biopic of an odd relationship that slowly drifts into friendship which has its moments but not enough of them to be able to really call it entertaining.
That's how I seen it too. I really liked the premise and thought that I was in for a treat, but the script/story just didn't quite do it.

31st Dec:
403. Enemy At The Gates (Jean-Jacques Annaud - 2001, tv)

WWII sniper duel that would probably rate a little higher were more of the cast to actually bother to invest their characters with a little realistic ethnicity in what is quite an enjoyable story for the most part.

404. Captain America: The First Avenger (Joe Johnston - 2011, tv)

Superhero adventure that sadly doesn't really do much for me as it all just feels so derivative and underwhelming but then I'm not really the target audience.

405. The Fifth Estate (Bill Condon - 2013, tv)

Bio-drama about Julian Assange and Wikileaks that is certainly interesting but it's lengthy run-time does begin to drag at times.

Care for some gopher?
29th Dec:
400. Calvary (John Michael McDonagh - 2014, tv)
Underwhelming drama that is mixed and messy in it's tone and unlike previous offering The Guard fails to deliver much of anything for me.
Too bad. I love this movie.
"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here. This is the war room."

Too bad. I love this movie.
It is a shame as I went in hoping to like it as it's Gleeson and McDonagh again and The Guard is a little cracker imo but aside from the occasional line nothing really hit the mark for me (or for herself for that matter) with this one