Rate The Last Movie You Saw


I have to return some videotapes...
Green Room (2016) -

One of the best films of the year.
It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything.


well,punch me in the face why dont you?

This is another movie/documentary i hadnt heard about before i joined this forum.
Im sure most here have already seen it

I cant believe this is real life.This is a very important movie as it reveals the major flaws in both humanity and the legal system-i hope it was a big deal when it was released.
I,at first,didnt think it focused enough on the legal matters-it seemed to kind of breeze past it even though it was mentioned alot. Later on it touched down on it again a bit harder-but i still think it could have spent a bit more time on it.I also felt like it was a bit too fastpaced and messy at times-too many shots and people speaking over eachother when it should have been making a point of what was being said. But its still hard to criticise as obviously its a friend making it,trying to come to terms with what happened.I definitely cried-several times.i was not expecting the ending.

Britney is my favorite

Jesus Camp


This documentary follows a group of kids at a christian summer camp-and the teachings of a childrens pastor.
I think it follows a nice line of just letting things happen without feeling like its guiding us too much-this could prob work as well as a promotional video in that environment

I find cult and religious documentaries to be so fascinating-the anti-choice scenes made me want to pull my hair off.
its so weird what people can make themselfs believe.

its very hard to rate documentaries-i thought it was educational,entertaining and shed a light on something important.

Bridge of Spies (2015)


I thought this movie was expertly done, and for a good portion of the runtime, virtually faultless. However, it's done in a little bit of a safe manner preventing it from being especially memorable or truly great. I also thought it got a little sappy towards the end, which was fine for me since I generally don't care for spy related films. To just be entertained on a Saturday night, I thought it was fantastic.

One of the lesser DC animated offerings I have seen. An Avengers assemble of Bat characters in a generic story with B-squad villains. Animation and action are the high spots, but nothing special.

Visions of horror and monsters were no where to be found. Style over substance and the lack of any true mystery. Within the first half-hour, I had basically surmised the story. The lack of any real suspense just left me wishing for the credits to roll. Seems like a waste of great potential.

Visions of horror and monsters were no where to be found. Style over substance and the lack of any true mystery. Within the first half-hour, I had basically surmised the story. The lack of any real suspense just left me wishing for the credits to roll. Seems like a waste of great potential.

I haven't seen this yet. I was worried about it being another one of those "quiet horror" films that actually have nothing that resembles horror. I'm still watching it, but it's a bit disheartening if my predictions are true, considering your review.

Del Toro doesn't consider it a horror film. It's a gothic romance featuring ghosts.

Matt Shepard is a friend of mine

This is a documentary done in the same style as Dear Zacharcy-a friend filming interviews with friends and family,sharing pictures,stories and old videoes.
the only difference is the story behind it and this time its 15 years later.

Matt Shepard was a 22 year old boy who was beaten to death for being gay-and while his parents were trying to have a funeral for him anti gays were protesting outside.
This documentary offers interviews from his parents,his old friends,his newer friends,the police officers and the priest of the men who murdered him.

Again,i think its very difficult to rate documentaries.It made me think of this issue,it made me sad,it made me cry- I wasnt bored-and it told his story in a very real way

This is a documentary done in the same style as Dear Zacharcy-a friend filming interviews with friends and family,sharing pictures,stories and old videoes.
the only difference
There is a few differences though. I mean they aren't comparable at all right?

What is happening?

I don't think this Documentary is close to Dear Zachary but even if you disagree you must admit the two aren't comparable at all? I mean they just aren't.

Truman's Avatar
Zoolander 2


There is a few differences though. I mean they aren't comparable at all right?

What is happening?

I don't think this Documentary is close to Dear Zachary but even if you disagree you must admit the two aren't comparable at all? I mean they just aren't.
the stories arnt similar no,but the style is and the way the story is being told is-the only difference is that one is done 15 years later and one is being done when it was going on.

the stories arnt similar no,but the style is and the way the story is being told is-the only difference is that one is done 15 years later and one is being done when it was going on.
How is the style comparable? Also how is the story similar in any way?

how the styles are similar?

dear zachary is about a man who brings his camera along to tell stories about a murdered friend. he interviews friends and family,they tells stories about him,share pictures and old videos-all whilst the trial about his murderer is on going

my friend matt sheperd is about a woman who brings her camera to tell stories about a murdered friend. she interviews friends and family,they tell stories about him,share pictures and old videos-15 years after it happened.

The Shallows:
: A very fun summer movie. Blake Lively has a career best performance, the film is tense in parts, and the use of color is striking. Not realistic in any way, but if you know what you're getting into its highly enjoyable.

: Historically awful. Holy **** this was a terrible movie. Bad acting, painful screenplay, pathetic over-editing, mediocre action. It's the kind of blockbuster that's too self-serious to be fun and far, far too stupid to be anything else. I don't really care about the 10% thing, this fake scientific rumor that drives the plot, but the film is just completely awful at everything. There's no real plot, there are absolutely no characters, and it doesn't seem to have a genre. If it was trying to be an action movie, it fails because there is only one action scene. If it was trying to be a thriller, it fails because the protagonist is (by design) invincible, so there's nothing to emotionally care about or build tension. If it was trying to be a philosophical sermon, it fails because it mixes very obvious symbolism and very basic themes about humanity with blatant incorrect science. I like plenty of movies because of the "feel" of them, even though they don't contain a plot or characters, but Lucy is not unique or stylized enough to get by on that. If you like this movie, I genuinley want to know why, because I cannot think of a single positive aspect of it.

I have to return some videotapes...
The Verdict (1982) -

A tragic film about grief, pain, and the compelling search for the truth and it's absolutely beautiful.