fans stalking celebrities


Enemies are so stimulating.
hey im doing a research project for uni on fans and fan behaviour and im trying to find out about movie celebrities who have been stalked.

was just wondering if any of you know of any high profile cases that i can find online. ive found little bits and pieces on the following; jennie kwan (who is that anyway?), rebecca schaeffer (who was killed), meg ryan, steven spielberg, julia roberts, madonna, but i cant find anything really that detailed.

I suppose most celebrities now days do have stalkers. im also trying to find out if there has been an increase because of the internet (you can find out celebrity addresses etc..).

if anyone knows the first ever case of a celebrity being in serious danger from a celebrity that would be good too...i wanna see how far back it traces, did it start in the classical hollywood period or earlier? or later? obviously im asuming that it started in hollywood just because its the dominant cinema but if you know of cases anywhere else that is all good too. also if you have stalked a celebrity thats good too...first hand experience is always groovy. also tell my your thoughts on people stalking celebrities or just people in general if you have any.

thanks x
I don't have Parkinson's. I inherited my shaking head from my grandfather Hepburn. I discovered that whisky helps stop the shaking. Problem is, if you're not careful, it stops the rest of you too. My head just shakes, but I promise you, it ain't gonna fall off!

What about the paparazzi? Those guys stalk everyone! Nobody's safe from their prying eyes! Look at what happened to (the late) Princess Diana! I think that there should be a law to protect peoples' privacy rights! Photographers who intrude on the privacy of other people--peeping toms and the paparazzi, in particular, should be arrested and dealt with seriously! It's a nasty deal, in my opinion! No one should tolerate parasitical photographers and paparazzi--not celebrities and not ordinary people!

In fact, I believe there's a TV show on the E! network about how the paparazzi stalk celebrities and catch them in embarassing moments. I personally think that's sick... it's sick the way some people get a perverse thrill from making a spectator sport out of people's lives! As if these sickos have nothing better to do! In my opinion, as I said above, parasitical paparazzi who stalk celebrities should be arrested and sentenced severely! And the public shouldn't support tabloid newspapers and TV shows that thrive on paparazzi photojournalism.

In my opinion, the world has no place for slimey paparazzi photographers who exploit human lives for personal profit! Down with the paparazzi slime!

Kaiser "The Devil" Soze
Originally Posted by sisboombah

if anyone knows the first ever case of a celebrity being in serious danger

No clue as to the first one, but I wanted to remind you about the oscars serveral years ago when russell crow was there and I think he had a violent stalker.... enough for him to be provided security, and the host ( I forget who it was) said something like: "...they got the guy, and I'd really have to say, Tom how could you"....*audience laughter* as Tom Hanks hung his head down in shame. Do you remember that? I think that may be the most serious stalker incident that a celebrity has gone through in MY lifetime, unless you want to include the paraizzi like the guy above said...then it would be Princess Di.
And like that .... he's gone

Originally Posted by kaisersoze
No clue as to the first one, but I wanted to remind you about the oscars serveral years ago when russell crow was there and I think he had a violent stalker.... enough for him to be provided security, and the host ( I forget who it was) said something like: "...they got the guy, and I'd really have to say, Tom how could you"....*audience laughter* as Tom Hanks hung his head down in shame. Do you remember that? I think that may be the most serious stalker incident that a celebrity has gone through in MY lifetime, unless you want to include the paraizzi like the guy above said...then it would be Princess Di.
I think it's pretty weird the way people joke about these things... it's not a joking matter! Some of the creeps out there are seriously screwed up characters... dangerous whackos with dangerous obsessions!

And that includes the paparazzi!

Kaiser "The Devil" Soze
Originally Posted by thoughtprovoker
I think it's pretty weird the way people joke about these things... it's not a joking matter! Some of the creeps out there are seriously screwed up characters... dangerous whackos with dangerous obsessions!

And that includes the paparazzi!

That may be true but I'm a crazy person who would retaliate in a serious, cruel, long and painful way... thank god I'm not a celebrity

John Hinkley Jr. was stalking Jodie Foster back in the 1980’s and tried to assassinate President Regan to impress her…
You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)

My life isn't written very well.
Rebecca Schaeffer, a Hollywood actress that made her success by way of playing Pam Dawber's sister in the 80's sitcom "My Sister Sam", met her demise when a stalker killed her. This case was one of the first to be widely publisized and created a sympathy among fans and authorities as to stalkers killing or hounding celebrities.

Perhaps unrelated, but Dominique Dunne; the older sister in "Poltergiest" was strangled by her boyfriend, leaving her brain-dead an in need of life support. The plug was pulled and she died in 1982. But this leaves an interesting thought, how do celebrities deal with ex-loves once they become famous?
I have been formatted to fit this screen.

r66-The member who always asks WHY?

Yeah... your typical stalker tends to be a creepy character who hides in the woodwork and crawls out when you least expect it to stab you in the back! Pretty nasty stuff!

Enemies are so stimulating.
What about the paparazzi?
dont worry i will mention the paparazzi...or 'stalkerazzi' as a book called 'stalkers and their victims' refered to them. i've found some information on the Madonna case. Its quite a good one so im going to be using it as a main case study in my research. if anyone is a major Madonna fan on here its likely that i will want to ask you a few questions about her and how you feel about her etc (if thats ok with you), but that wont be for a few weeks.

if anyone is interested in reading about Madonna's stalker here it is (edited down a little):

Madonna Case

In April 1995, Hoskins scaled a wall surrounding Madonna's LA home and proceeded to the courtyard adjacent to the living quarters. Basil Stephens, Madonna's bodyguard, observed him and scared Hoskins away. He returned the next day and was rebuffed by Caresse Henry, Madonna's personal assistant, who was alone in the house. Hoskins, who was at the gated entrance to the house, grew enraged and threatened to kill both Madonna and Henry. He left a note for madonna in her intercom call box at the gate. the note was written over a printed religious tract named "DEFILED". The word "Madonna" was written above the word "defiled" and "louise Ciccone" (madonna's middle and last names) was written under the title. The note read, "i love you. will you be my wife for keeps. Robert Dewey Hoskins." the other side of that page read "im very sorry. meet me somewhair. Love for keeps. Robert Dewey Hoskins." (spelling is how he spelt it). On the side of that page, contained in a drawn circle were the words, "be mind and ill be yours" beneath this "love note," the printed religious tract describes how sinners who fornicate outside marriage should be killed and those who do not go around properly clothed should be punished.

Hoskins threatened to kill the bodyguard if he did not give Madonna the note he had left. Hoskins told stephens that if Madonna didnt marry hoskins that evening, he would "slice her throat from ear to ear." Hoskins walked down the road, he encountered madonna pedaling up the road on her bicycle. madonna testified that hoskins stopped and gave her a look that "chilled" her, but then walked on, fortunately not recognizing her.

Madonna testified at trial that when she was shown the hoskins note, she "shivered."

hoskins returned to the house seven weeks later...confronted by stephens, hoskins threatened to kill him. hoskins lunged for the bodyguard's holstered gun...despite repeated commands to surrender, hoskins again lunged and was shot twice in the abdomen with a 45 caliber semi automatic pistol by the bodyguard.

from the day that hoskins was arrested until after his sentencing, this case was scrutinized by the worldwide first, the press found the surrounding facts of the case headline referred to hoskins as "mr madonna"...he was portrayed as a harmless eccentric.

the jury found hoskins guilty of stalking, making terrorist threats, and assault on madonna's bodyguard. between the time of his conviction and the time of his sentencing, hoskins filled his cell walls with graffiti that read, "i love madonna" and "madonna love me" and underneath his bed he wrote "the madonna stalker"...when a sheriffs deputy confronted him about the graffiti, hoskins said madonna wrote it and that when he got out of jail, he was "going to slice the lying bitch's throat from ear to ear." at the sentencing hearing, the sheriffs deputy was called as a witness to repeat hoskins' statement. the judge sentenced hoskins to the maximum term of 10 years in the state prison.

later the judge asked him if he had been recieving any type of mental health treatment while in prison. hoskins told the judge that he had not because there is "nothing wrong with me." he went on to say that he had a friend on the outside who would help him take care of things and that when he got out of prison, he was coming back to take care of everyone in court.

John Hinkley Jr. was stalking Jodie Foster back in the 1980’s and tried to assassinate President Regan to impress her…
yes im doing some small detail on this case too...i dont really have as much information on this case though and the only link that i have found between this case and the madonna one is that the stalkers were both men. maybe im being blind and not seeing a really obvious link so if anyone else knows one could you let me know. thanks.

I knew I was forgetting another high profile case… Mark David Chapman stalked John Lennon and then murdered him in the early 80’s…
as a big beatles fan i will definately mention this case in brief too.

well keep on discussing fandom and stalking coz its all good stuff

thanks guys. x

Lets put a smile on that block
Wow thoughtprovoker! lots of posts! Could it be we have a stalker among us methinks?

Well done on the research Sis
Pumpkins scream in the DEAD of night!