My top 10 horror movie series


Hi everybody! Well, this is my first post and the 1st thing that popped into my head was top 10 horror movies. So, could you not judge me a lot and everything will be fine. So, here it is:

1. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
2. Halloween
3. A Nightmare on Elm Street.
4. Friday the 13th
5. Scream
6. Hannibal Lecter
7. Evil Dead
8. Romero Dead Series
9. Final Destination
10. Jaws

So, that it. Now, remember, these are my personal preferences, and I'm not saying that these are bad. Last, what are your top horror movies?
When there's no more room in Hollywood, remakes will walk the Earth!

Wanna Date? Got Any Money?
You listed most of the classics and a lot of peoples favorites, so I will mention a few I enjoy that you didn't list. Welcome to MoFo by the way.

The Omen
I Spit On Your Grave
Blade (Action/Horror but still deadly)
Ginger Snaps
Return of the Living Dead
Children of the Corn
28 Days/Weeks later
ABC's of Death
Paranormal Activity (I enjoyed them for what they were)
Resident Evil (Action/Horror but again, deadly)
30 Days of Night
Buy a bag, go home in a box.

Yeah, I've seen a few of the movies you listed, AboveTheClouds, but I was just going by the movies I've recently seen and come to the top of my head, and ones I would prefer to watch

Survivor 5s #2 Bitch
Welcome to the site, enjoy your stay! I can barely think of 10 series, but I'll try

1. Argento's 3 Mothers trilogy (although the last one is a bit crappy)
2. 28 Days/Weeks Later (I think they're making "Months" soon!)
3. Ju-On
4. Argento's Animal Trilogy
5. Halloween
6. Friday the 13th (1-4)
7. A Nightmare on Elm Street
8. [REC]
9. Alien (although it becomes less horror-esque as goes along really)
10. Saw

Forgot about Alien CiCi, and I agree with you about Friday the 13th, I like 1-4, but I also count 5 as one of the "official" series for me. After 5, it went downhill.

Survivor 5s #2 Bitch
Forgot about Alien CiCi, and I agree with you about Friday the 13th, I like 1-4, but I also count 5 as one of the "official" series for me. After 5, it went downhill.
Ah, I knew it was either 4 or 5 that it started to go downhill, and it must have been that one

Be a freak, like me too
1. Carrie, B. De Palma
2. Psychose, A. Hitchcock
3. The Beyond, L. Fulci
4. Texas Chainsaw Massacre, T. Hooper
5. Dawn Of The Dead, G. Romero
6. Suspiria, D. Argento
7. Cannibal Holocaust, R. Deodato
8. I'd like to put a film of Cronenberg but I don't know what film because I love his earliest films : Rage? Scanners? Shivers? The Fly?
9. Black Christmas, B. Clark
10. Tourist Trap, D. Schmoeller/Funhouse, T. Hooper/The Crazies, G. Romero ; I don't know what film to choose!

Jaws is one of my favorite film but to me, it's not a horror movie really. Even Cannibal Holocaust... Or The Bird With The Plumage Crystal : horror or not? More a thriller with a zest of horror. And The Last House On The Left? Blah-blah-blah.
"We wanted to change the world, but the world changed us."

Jaws is more action, but Cannibal Holocaust is horror/adventure. The Bird with the Plumage Crystal is more mystery, too. But, I like your choices, some I haven't heard of, but most I had

Registered User
28 Days/Weeks Later always freaked me out