Swan's Movie Commentaries

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Master of My Domain
I thought you've seen this before?
Nope. I tend to avoid movies like this.

Master of My Domain
Now that I think about it, the impact should have killed her.

That poor Damien... going to the Prom (dance?) with the lesbian....

I went to private schools, it was nothing like public school. No lockers, one classroom, one teacher, 30 students, grades 1-12.

The closest I had was one year of public junior high, and that was pretty awful. I actually cried in class once because of the stress from all the dick heads in my class.

You know, I used to think school was miserable... and I'm definitely not really happy with the whole experience... but it kinda seems so strange that some people claim their experiences were so traumatizing.

I think you guys are processing the past wrong or something. I really do.

I think you guys are processing the past wrong or something. I really do.
Maybe. Highs and lows, just like life after high school.

I didn't really like that movie.
I wanna know why.
Hard to say. It's possible I could like it more now... but at the time, I didn't think it was all that great.

I liked "Shaun of the Dead."