Swan's Movie Commentaries

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Master of My Domain
This movie is kinda funny but at the same time it's kinda not funny.

This movie is kinda funny but at the same time it's kinda not funny.
It's not great, but it is entertaining.

Master of My Domain
This is a fun commentary.
I'm eating, so I can't talk much right now.

When I was in school, people were always really into the new kid.


You guys have both seen Mean Girls before though right?
A long time ago.

Usually, when we do commentaries, we just try to find really dumb and/or entertaining stuff we can talk about. You know, you can't really joke about Andrei Rublev.

Master of My Domain
All this reminds me so much of my own high school years,

There is a lot of masturbation fodder in this movie. I'm just saying.

I mean, if you're Amish.

There is a lot of masturbation fodder in this movie. I'm just saying.

I mean, if you're Amish.
Swan! Have some decency!