Body Building/Body Sculpting!


Not to sound hypocritical, because I felt weird posting mine, but will we/the board be seeing a new photo of you anytime in the near future?
Yeah, probably. My wife suggested the other day I get a new photo, just because I've been using the same one (from our wedding) in most places (Facebook, Twitter, whatever), and I look pretty different now. Maybe in a few weeks.

Don't forget that you will see a weight increase, the more you workout, but it's all good. Well, unless you sneak a chocolate cake. One handful of muscle weighs a lot more than one handful of fat, and as we all know, muscle burns fat.
Aye. I think some of the weirdness I've seen (slight weight gain even on days where I'm eating, you know, 1,700-1,800 calories) is probably due to stuff like this. I should probably get some general measurements and, at some point, track the weightlifting a bit more, since that'll confirm progress where the weight loss might not for much longer.

Looking forward to hearing how the weightlifting goes Yoda, make sure you keep us posted.
You too Christine, let us know.
Destiny, do you do Skullcrushers? How's it all been going for you?
Nope, I've never been into those. I may try them out, but I'm into so much right now, that I'd probably never be able to squeeze anymore in. You guys will find out fast, that I have a baaaaaad habit of overdoing it. I just can't help myself. A perfect example would be that I just came in, at 4:00 a.m., from five hour of therapy in the pool.

I'm hungry!

the samoan lawyer's Avatar
Unregistered User
Nope, I've never been into those. I may try them out, but I'm into so much right now, that I'd probably never be able to squeeze anymore in. You guys will find out fast, that I have a baaaaaad habit of overdoing it. I just can't help myself. A perfect example would be that I just came in, at 4:00 a.m., from five hour of therapy in the pool.

I'm hungry!
5 hours? Madness Destiny!
Give the Skullcrushers a go, in fact, use them in a super set, try 10-12 of them (or whatever number reps you normally do) then stand up and use the same EZ bar to do regular curls, if you want and feel like you can, then add in some close grip push ups, if big into them these days.
Too weird to live, and too rare to die.


Here is a video, for anyone interested.

Samoan, I'll take you up on your challenge, and I will post my results. Yes, I know it's not really a challenge, but it makes it a bit more fun, and gives me a push to succeed.

Yes, I am insane!

Also, I only did 3 1/2 hours in the pool. I'm getting right back in, as the sun rises.

I'm also aiming to have two of my machines set up by the weekend. Maybe a bit sooner.

I need to get a serious schedule set. Just like the obsessed schedule I had before my spine messed up.

I love being hyper!

Sorry for the delay in my reply, folks. I've been super busy, these past few days.

Good call Destiny, looking forward to seeing the results. What you doing today?
I make sure I swim, everyday. A few hours, everyday. My basic weights are all I seem to be into, right now. I'm actually having a problem with the Skull Crushers. I'll start by asking if you know about my spine problems? If not, I can post about them here. Until then, I will let you know that I can't lay flat on my back, without a good deal of pain. I became way too pumped up over that video, and data dumped that fact. So far, all my weight lifting has been while either standing, or sitting. Mostly standing.

Anyone have any thoughts/ experience with Crossfit?
In all honesty, I've never heard of this. I have saved several sites, including their Facebook, so that I can study up on it. Is this something you are already involved in, or just now looking into?

What else have you been into?

How are the rest of you doing?

I forgot to add that my swimming speed is seriously increasing. My speed, and endurance. It's truly inspiring when you can see the progress you make. It helps to keep you going.

I had seen the Crossfit games on tv and was curious if anyone did it. From what I hear, it's a little much for me.

the samoan lawyer's Avatar
Unregistered User
Sorry DoubleDenim im not much help to you on crossfit, know next too nothing about it. It does seem like it would be a pretty effective way of losing weight though. Will check it out.

Yeah sorry Destiny, I didnt really consider Skull Crushers would be awkward for you. At beset you could do it at an angle but it would still be way to sore with your spine problems.

I'm doing loads of supersets these days for arms and really enjoying these, plus they work a treat!

How you doing Destiny? Good going with the swimming!!

I've taken my post from the other thread, so that I can start updating about it, here. I posted all of this a year and four months ago, roughly. I found out later on that if I didn't "first" strengthen the hell out of my core, the straightening of my spine would never happen. It would be like an accordion. Back and forth, and probably even more painful. I played hell trying to find the proper exercises that my spine could handle, and in the end, after a lot of dead ends, I found that the swimming pool is the best place for me to begin. I will also be a lot stronger, in many other parts of my body, than I have been in a long time. It has been great fun, and I have truly been working my ass off. Which is good, because I also want her to fit back into a size 4/6.

I suppose the worst of this has been going on for roughly eight to ten years, now. I am way over do on getting back to normal. Too many ignorant doctors, pretty much threw me down this hill, but I know I have to let that go, and get back up on my own. Maybe I can pop them all in the nose, when I'm done!?!

Just kidding!

My old post . . .

OK, right now a softball passes through in between me and the wall. This is when I'm standing straight up against it. (If you wanna call it that.)

This is the equipment I'll be using to get my spine realigned.

Here is my spine . . .

Hope it works great for you. Inversion is reported to offer many benefits beyond back health.

Good Luck

I had seen the Crossfit games on tv and was curious if anyone did it. From what I hear, it's a little much for me.
It may be a little much for the bulk of us. I do have some things that I'm going to set up in my yard, soon. Monkey bars, and the like. That should be a lot of fun. I'll get pictures of it all, when it's done.

Sorry DoubleDenim im not much help to you on crossfit, know next too nothing about it. It does seem like it would be a pretty effective way of losing weight though. Will check it out.

Yeah sorry Destiny, I didnt really consider Skull Crushers would be awkward for you. At beset you could do it at an angle but it would still be way to sore with your spine problems.

I'm doing loads of supersets these days for arms and really enjoying these, plus they work a treat!

How you doing Destiny? Good going with the swimming!!
How are your supersets going?

Did you check out the Crossfit?

I have an idea for the Skull Crushers, and will post that, as well as how it went, soon. I am swimming like a fish, these days, and getting compliments on how I'm trimming down in the legs and stomach. Yippy!

I'll be back!

Hope it works great for you. Inversion is reported to offer many benefits beyond back health.

Good Luck
Thanks a lot! I don't know about the other benefits. If you don't mind, could you inform me, please?

A lot supposedly stems from the blood circulation benefits. Improved brain function, mood, and digestion are some.

I also train, but I do only cardio, I might try to go to the gym, but I don't really like it haha. I prefer by far running and biking, I do little local competitions for fun, but nothing serious. I do it mostly because I love these sports and that it also keeps me healthy.

Do any of you go cardio?
If so what are your training?
I do not speak english perfectly so expect some mistakes here and there in my messages

For myself, I appreciate my beer belly and I completely assumed it
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

A lot supposedly stems from the blood circulation benefits. Improved brain function, mood, and digestion are some.
That makes sense, and is interesting. I will plan on watching the Teeter DVD soon, and see what all it has on it. I assumed it was just about how to use it, but something now tells me there's more.

I also train, but I do only cardio, I might try to go to the gym, but I don't really like it haha. I prefer by far running and biking, I do little local competitions for fun, but nothing serious. I do it mostly because I love these sports and that it also keeps me healthy.

Do any of you go cardio?
If so what are your training?
Those are both great ways to stay in shape. Way to go! I use to take 5-10 mile walks, after doing ten miles on my bike. Everyday but Sunday. ha-ha I suck, and now only do the machines I have. I am not positive how many of my machines are actually considered cardio. I have some that are obviously so, like my exercise bike, and my glider, which I can't find a picture of. Mine is very old, but I like it a lot better than how they make them now. I have a real neat stepping machine, and this other machine, that when you sit in it, you are pretty much ground level. You use your arms and legs, pulling yourself forward, and pushing yourself back. It works on both those parts of your body, as well as your abs. I haven't got that one out of my friend's garage yet, or I'd know the damn name of it. The only other machine I have, (Serious machine, anyways!) is also at my friend's house. She's giving them both to me, but I have yet to figure this one out. I'm going to have to get the name off it, and go Googling. You add weights to it, sit in it, scrunch forward, and pull back up . . . I think. She said it's for the abs and back, which is right up my alley. She also said it was too hard for her to do. Thank God I'm a hell of a lot stronger now, than she was back then. She's had it for a loooong time, so she can't remember how to do it. God bless her, but she's kind of old.

For myself, I appreciate my beer belly and I completely assumed it
Otherwise known as abdominal obesity. Doesn't sound so cool now, does it?!?

the samoan lawyer's Avatar
Unregistered User
Good work Destiny, putting in some solid work, swimming is really something I should get into more. Super sets are going well thanks, really enjoying it these days. Just trying for a bit more progression now and really pushing myself.

PG I went through a stage of doing a good few races and stuff ie 10 Mile, half marathon etc but not been out much since joining gym. What distance you running? I do agree, much better to get outside running, it's hard to beat.

Mostly 5km and 10km, but I might try a half marathon next year, the issue I have with it is that the compétitions are pretty expensive 30$ each time and the only thing I have for it is that they calculate my time haha