Swan's Movie Commentaries

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Wow that's one of my favorite horror movies!
Dude, I'm a big fan of it! I'm glad you like it. Last time I watched it, I gave it
I think, which for me means "really good".

During the horror HoF, a lot of people ragged on it for some reason, which is very sad. It's a very underrated movie. I have no complaints about it really. If you read the commentary HK and I did for it, you'll see I have nothing but praise for it.

I have to return some videotapes.
Dude, I'm a big fan of it! I'm glad you like it. Last time I watched it, I gave it
I think, which for me means "really good".

During the horror HoF, a lot of people ragged on it for some reason, which is very sad. It's a very underrated movie. I have no complaints about it really. If you read the commentary HK and I did for it, you'll see I have nothing but praise for it.
I thought it was pretty humorous which was a nice change. It had a very original twist to the home invasion subgenre

I still haven't seen You're Next. It does look interesting though.

Swan, you should see the movie Black Rat.
I'll have to see if I can get a hold of it. Thanks for the rec.

Also, A Blood Pledge is my favorite Korean/High-School horror. It's not scary though. It's more about telling an interesting story with a horror theme.

I have to return some videotapes.
They could have gone without that screeching noise, it would have been a nice jumpscare without it and with just that creek.