MoFo Alcoholics Anonymous


How is this anonymous if there's your nickname next to your post?
Have you seriously never seen a TV show or movie that had alcoholics anonymous in it? They BEGIN by saying their name out loud.

Have you seriously never seen a TV show or movie that had alcoholics anonymous in it? They BEGIN by saying their name out loud.
I have not, but it just doesn't make any sense.
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

I've been to an actual AA meeting once. I felt embarrassed and just sat there and said nothing. It feels weird all those strangers telling you about their lives.

I have not, but it just doesn't make any sense.
The reason its called "Alcoholic Anonymous" is because what is discussed in the meetings stays within the meeting. There is no reason to share someone else's story to the world.

The reason its called "Alcoholic Anonymous" is because what is discussed in the meetings stays within the meeting. There is no reason to share someone else's story to the world.
Yeah, but I guess that the fact someone's in AA should be kept secret, too.

Yeah, but I guess that the fact someone's in AA should be kept secret, too.
Well its your choice to tell someone if you are in there.. but you are not to share anyone's secrets...

I know this and I dont even drink or never been to a meeting.

Its a support network, people are there to share their stories and seek support. Thru support, you are able to overcome your addiction.

People tend to forget that power comes from numbers.

Its a support network, people are there to share their stories and seek support. Thru support, you are able to overcome your addiction.

People tend to forget that power comes from numbers.
True, but I went for the opposite and locked myself away for nearly a month.
Needs serious self control for the first two or three days though.

True, but I went for the opposite and locked myself away for nearly a month.
Needs serious self control for the first two or three days though.
Which is understandable. Most people feel embarrassed to admit they have a fault. Its something that must be overcame.

I dont know your circumstances and I dont need to.. but I hope you got what you needed which helped make things better for you.

True, but I went for the opposite and locked myself away for nearly a month.
Needs serious self control for the first two or three days though.
You at least had your movie.

Haha, I've seen a special kind of cigarettes that look like penises and they are made for men to use, so they wouldn't take something like this into their mouth and therefore won't smoke.

I wonder if you could come up with something similar when it comes to alcohol. Like alcohol bottles looking like penises? No, that's stupid. Then again, the idea of drinking something out of a penis is pretty repulsive for a straight male alcoholic, isn't it?

What about females, though? Any ideas, guys?

Haha, I've seen a special kind of cigarettes that look like penises and they are made for men to use, so they wouldn't take something like this into their mouth and therefore won't smoke.

I wonder if you could come up with something similar when it comes to alcohol. Like alcohol bottles looking like penises? No, that's stupid. Then again, the idea of drinking something out of a penis is pretty repulsive for a straight male alcoholic, isn't it?

What about females, though? Any ideas, guys?

Tit shaped

Bottles are already phallic, anyways. So are cigarettes.

Look at those things. And liquid comes out of them.

Every time you drink from one of these bottles, or hold a cigarette or a cigar to your lips, you're participating in subliminal homosexuality. If you're a guy, that is.
Click image for larger version

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I've been to a thousand of AA meetings. I don't wanna go into correcting people and the purpose behind certain traditions but I can however give out my anonymity but I cant give out anyone else's. Alright there I said it. also I agree, DT's suck and Blacking out is not fun.
no one else is dealing with your demons friend - tyler joseph.

I've been to a thousand of AA meetings. I don't wanna go into correcting people and the purpose behind certain traditions but I can however give out my anonymity but I cant give out anyone else's. Alright there I said it. also I agree, DT's suck and Blacking out is not fun.
I am so glad you said that because thats what I mentioned as well.. you can tell your own story while in AA to the outside world.. but you can not share anyone else's story to the world...

Master of My Domain
This thread looks weird - is it because I'm too sober?