Could Superman Kick Batman's Butt?


"Only 4 quatloos left on the THX account..."
It's alright, planet news, just lie down on the nice leather couch and we will get to the bottom of it...


will.15's Avatar
Semper Fooey
This thread seems to be petering out. That would never happen if Film Expert was still here.

"Only 4 quatloos left on the THX account..."
Nice one Thx!!.. I liked that a lot.

That will reduce pretty well for a sigi.

And for your Saturday night listening pleasure...


"Only 4 quatloos left on the THX account..."
But I'll stick to the one I have right now..
Most feel the same way and never use the avvy.

So, it seems most are of the opinion that Batman would get hairy eyeballs.

A whole egg and tonic and Alfred would be consoling him out of a re-match in the morning.

Batman sucks compared to Superman!

Thx ()

"Only 4 quatloos left on the THX account..."


Always Falls For Jedi Mind Trick
I'm gonna stick up for Bats because I've always liked him better anyway.

It would depend on the circumstances obviously. If they didn't know they were going to be fighting each other, it's Superman hands down. He could take Batman out before Batman even realized the fight had started.

But if they both knew they were going to be fighting each other and had time to prepare, Batman wins and here's why:

  • Batman would make Superman's powers work against him. Super hearing? Batman busts out a high-frequency emitter that causes Supes to want to rip his own ear drums out. Heat vision? Batman wears a suit that reflects it, causing Supes to burn his own retinas.
  • Of course, Batman's carrying the Kryptonite the whole time and may even go so far as to find a way to weaponize it, turning it's radiation into both a shield/force field and even a ray/laser beam. That plus a special suit like the one he wore in The Dark Knight (Frank Miller's book not Chris Nolan's film) that gives him enhanced strength & durability would nearly neutralize Superman's super strength and speed.
  • Even if they started on neutral ground, Batman would set up a safehouse nearby that he'd flee to made entirely of lead w/various compartments, trap doors, walls, etc (for those of you who don't know, Supes can't see through lead), giving him the element of surprise.
  • Last but not least, Batman would certainly utilize all of his allies, Robin, Oracle (the former Batgirl), Catwoman perhaps and even Alfred. Superman would go in expecting a straight up fight caring more about honor, Batman would go in caring about nothing but victory.

So you see, it's actually a no-brainer. Under ideal circumstances, Batman wins every time.

will.15's Avatar
Semper Fooey
Your first examples don't apply. Superman can't burn his own retinas or burst his ear drums. Except for Kryptonite and magic, nothing affects him and he is completely invulnerable. You're forgetting Superman also has a super brain so it's no cinch for Batman to outsmart him. He's not dumber than Batman and has used his wits to get out of some tough situations. Lex Luthor in the comic books isn't the dimwit in the movies.

"Only 4 quatloos left on the THX account..."
Actually, there was a story where Superman and Lex Luthor have a fist fight. (Now this is back from 1968, so please don't lambaste me if my memory is a bit fuzzy, lol)

Luthor interrupted world communication (right in the middle of Gunsmoke) to challenge the man of steel to a fair fight. Basically he said Superman was a gutless old geezer. (He used the 'P' word too.) ("Pansey".)

So Superman builds a spaceship to take them to a red sun planet...(pffft, Superman not only has to have his butt kicked, he has to even build a ship to transport them there. ) And this ship, while it looks really dorky (about the same proportions as a whiskey still) is really efficiant and whisks them out trillions of light years, beyond the quasars and pulsars even.

So, they end up in a vast desert and start to duke it out.

And Luthor uses all his pent up energy and gives the man of steel a couple upside the head.> Gave him a black eye he did.

Superman though, gives him one to the gut and another upon the chin. Let's face it, they can't just leave Superman there with his butt kicked.

Luthor runs off and wouldn't you know it tries to mow down Mr. Kent with a giant boulder.

Later they encounter a civilization that is at about the same level as the Ancient Roman Empire and get into some gladiatorial games, blah, blah, blah.


will.15's Avatar
Semper Fooey
I missed that epic story I guess if Batman and Superman duked it out on that planet Batman would beat the crap out of Supe. But if he still has his superpowers, Batman is toast.

I didn't hear about that either. But surely Superman will kick the butts of Batman if there is going to be a arena where Superman ad Batman is going to face each other.

If Superman is standing behind Batman, and Batman doesn't expect a butt kick, then yes, Superman can kick Batman in the butt.