Character development in Horror


I have tried doing a search for a similar thread but could not find one, if it is a duplicate however please feel free to merge.

I have just watched the trailer for the remake of Nightmare on Elm Street, one thing that strikes me is that they immediately throw you into the back story of Kruger, in the original it is barely mentioned, the same with Halloween, Texas Chainsaw etc etc, the characters are who they are and I don't have a problem with this, in the case of films like this I personally believe less is more.

I am quite certain Bay had good reasons for showing this, Zombie did the same thing in Halloween but I don't see why it is needed, is it meant to bring sympathy for the characters? Should we believe that Kruger was innocent and some kind of a witch hunt was done? Should we blame the upbringing of Myers for the reason he killed his sister to begin with? Wasn't the whole reason they were scary to begin with because we simply did not know why they were doing it?

I personally am not going to say these films should not be made and that the telling of the story should not be done, just because I don't like it doesn't matter in the long run I just feel it is not required.

What say you though?
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Lord High Filmquisitor
At least in the case of A Nightmare on Elm Street, the remake was incorporating a lot of Craven's original concept of Freddy Krueger, who was inspired by a real life string of child murders in California at the time. He was originally as much a child rapist as he was a child murderer, which the studio basically crossed off as "too soon." While the movies always did have the implication of pedophelia (especially in Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare), Kruger was only ever referred to as a child murderer. Additionally, he was originally intended to be more thoroughly and realistically burned (Which was incorporated into New Nightmare), but was again axed by studio executives that thought that it was all too much for the public to deal with.
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I personally don't need to know the backstory not from a horror film, the not-knowing is all part of it. I don't want to feel sympathy etc for the bad guy.
It's a bit like what they did with James Bond in Skyfall, I want James Bond as he is, i don't want to know about his difficult childhood, that's not what you want from James Bond, you want him to go out there, guns blazing with a few glamorous women hanging off his arm.

This is exactly what my thinking is Rexy. Knowing the extent of the crime that was committed by Kruger in no way affects my opinion of the film, having not know that a lot of the source material was cut does not bother me. I think the original was terrifying enough, is it actually better to know less because that way we know very little of the reason for it?

Why is freddy doing what he is doing? Because he is an evil man and he can. That works for me as an evil character.