How would be the movie of your dreams?


If you had all the money you needed for it, how would be that movie? What director would you want, what actors and what screenwriters would you want to join in the movie? My dream movie would be an epic sci-fi trilogy directed by Steven Spielberg, written by Scott Z. Burns, and starring Liam Neeson, Michael Fassbender, Kate Winslet and Simon Pegg (in a comic role, of course ). What do you guys think?

I'd have Jean Pierre Jeunet direct a Chris Mcquarrie written neo-noir thriller set in Rhode Island.

No, not really

Probably Nicholas Winding-Refn directing a Vince Gilligan written crime story in 1980s Mexico. Bryan Cranston obviously stars with Penelope Cruz, Michael Shannon, Casey Affleck and Sam Rockwell.

Nausicaa (1984) with a bigger budget for better animation quality. The rest of the movie is already the movie of my dreams:
- directed by Miyazaki
- written by Miyazaki
- screenplay by Miyazaki
- character designs by Miyazaki and animation under Miyazaki's control
- and the best voice actress of all time played Nausicaa

If you had all the money you needed for it, how would be that movie? What director would you want, what actors and what screenwriters would you want to join in the movie? My dream movie would be an epic sci-fi trilogy directed by Steven Spielberg, written by Scott Z. Burns, and starring Liam Neeson, Michael Fassbender, Kate Winslet and Simon Pegg (in a comic role, of course ). What do you guys think?
I like the sound of your movie idea. For me, I would hire Christopher Nolan as director and Quentin Tarantino as script writer in a movie about the transformation of a group of everyday men into criminal masterminds. This movie would be starring Leonardo DiCaprio , Bradley Cooper, and Liam Neeson.

A loving heart is the truest wisdom.
My dream movie already exists.

Just watched it again last night.
You will find that if you look for the light, you can often find it. But if you look for the dark, that is all you will ever see.

James Cameron would make the 3rd Terminator film with a younger Arnold and a resolution to all this Skynet hootwah.

A Michael Bay movie with a lot less of his cliches... a lot less
My favorite movies:

A collaboration between Tarantino and Christopher Nolan on a live action One Piece movie starring Marion Cotillard as Robin and Jessica Chastain as Nami
I do not speak english perfectly so expect some mistakes here and there in my messages

Gangster Rap is Shakespeare for the Future
The Wind Will Carry Us is made up nearly entirely of my thoughts, ideas, and dreams, so that maybe fits the criteria? If there was a final shootout it would definitely be the movie of my dreams!

Green's Avatar
Screen writer: Andrew Kevin Walker
Director: Ken Russell
Actors: Richmond Arquette (as Mackelway) and Rooney Mara as (Mills).

Film: Thomas Mackelway (Suspect Zero) hunts down Mills (Se7en) 10 years after she's released from the state hospital. Mills wasn't sentenced to prison given the circumstances of her crime, instead sent to a mental hospital but once released, becomes a killer himself. I'd have Brad Pitt cameo as a janitor and give Aaron Eckhart a small role as a librarian. Morgan Freeman would also have a small, but important, role as a cab driver.

Alejandro Jodorowsky was going to direct Dune, with art direction by H.R. Giger and a score by Pink Floyd. That sounds like the movie of my dreams. Too bad it never came to be.

I would like to see Lynch and Cronenberg work together on a sci-fi horror...
#31 on SC's Top 100 Mofos list!!

But then it wouldn't be a Michael Bay movie.
Look at Martin Scorsese with Hugo

I've always wanted to see a movie that depicts Norse mythology in the way it is supposed to be! A high-budget movie about Thor, Odin, Freya etc. There are countless of myths and stories that could make a perfect movie. Maybe the most perfect one would be the story about the end of the world, also known as Ragnarök. It's a truly epic tale to be honest!
(btw Thor is supposed to be a fierce bearded warrior with scars and dents, not some goldylock from space)