

Movie Forums Stage-Hand
I was stoned when I watched it but I thought it was awesome. Reminded me of Lost In Translation.

Great movie.asks some very interesting questions about AI.WHAT will an essentially immortal entity be like? HOW will they view and interact with us,.WHEN we create a true AI perhaps it can answer all the big questions.

STILL trying to get my wife to watch her! Thinks it's silly!

Go Agead, Make My Day
Well, it's a Spike Jonze film, naturally it would be considered weird by many people, I think it's weird in a beautiful way.

some people might hate it's idea, some love it, but one fact is undeniable, Joaquin Nailed It, definitley one of his best performances I believe it's very hard to play this kind of character.
“Violence is one of the most fun things to watch” Quentin Tarantino
