MoFo Big Brother 2


I said no such thing.

Sci-Fi Slob is now in the lead for eviction with 5 points.

JayDee has 4 points.

Is there a cash prize or dvd for winning this?
No, but the winner will be blessed and receive good fortune.

I AM NOT. He is a liar. You should know that since you fell for his lies in "Survivor."

Let the night air cool you off
The host being corrupt is the same thing as having an unreliable narrator. I see it as just an interesting way to tell a story, which is just what this is. A non-fiction story where free will doesn't exist and the "host" has a God complex and uses us as pawns. And I am okay with that.

Wow it's been a long time since I last dropped by this board, round about the time of the nominations for the MoFo 2013 awards actually.

Anyway I would like to vote out Sci-Fi Slob

Don't ask me to play anymore of these ****!n games! I played it by your rules, Sexy, and then you conspire to vote me off..? F!ck off!
I really hope you're not serious. I haven't conspired at all with anyone to get anybody out. He's lying. Why would you trust Skepsis?

Wow it's been a long time since I last dropped by this board, round about the time of the nominations for the MoFo 2013 awards actually.

Anyway I would like to vote out Sci-Fi Slob

^Best novelty account on here. Better than any of the 10,000 SC has.