Dont think this one comes out in the states till next year so figured the review belonged here.

Just saw this pearler last night and thought Id throw up a brief review.

CYPHER is the second film form the Director of THE CUBE, which really gives you a clue what your in for. A high concept thriller that constantly stimulates the mind and the senses.

The script is full of great dialogue, original concepts and nice twists. The cinematography brings a lot to the film, placing the viewer on edge with inspired camera set ups and futuristic set designs that are off set by organic exteriors. Savvy cinema lovers will notice visual salutes to Kubrick, Proyas and Cronenburg. The music too is top notch, complimenting the onscreen mood and makes the film and all encompassing experience.

Jeremy Northam delivers a fine performance as the films protagnist Morgan Sullivan. He plays a corprate spy in the digital age where nothing is as it seems. The less said about the plot the better, just know its not quite as intricate as THE CUBE and you may well see where it's going before the end but that doesnt really effect the overall entertainment value one bit. Lucy Liu also features in this one and unfortuanetly she is the films weakest link. She is however easy to ignore for the most part thanks to the corker script & ideas being raised.

So all you fans of the mind screw thriller genre should check this one out, which iMO is one of the best.

******"The Majority Is Always Wrong" Steve Mcqueen in Enemy Of The People******