DUMMY is realesed on DVD & Video for rental in Oz this month (August) and I was lucky enough to get my hands on a copy. (Think it comes out in September in the US)

I went into DUMMY with thoughts of a black comedy littered with satire and sorrow. Instead I got an amusing, poetic and gentle story that leaves you feeling good all over.Overall the film reminded me of John Water's PECKER. (Which IMO is a good thing).

The film is not without wit and quirk with a dark edge. Thanks to a tight script that fully realizes charecters and allows us to laugh at the unique subtleties in all of them.

The cinematography is controlled and often merly observing. Then letting us know it's there at key intervals with a bold move of gradual dolly. The soundtrack is a mix of genres with all of them assisting the narrative or evoking a mood for a scene.

Well rounded and Individual performances by all involved. Adrien Brody (Stephen) is superb as the maladjusted, socially inept and gentle soul that we empathise with. With help from a domineering "Dummy" and a deliciously eccentric Milla Jovovich, Stephen finds himself and hopefully scores the woman of his dreams. His family are all riddled with quirks and dont see what we the audience knows. It's as if we are the only ones who care what happens to him.

So any of you fans of off centre comedies that are intelligent, insightful and entertaining check this one out..
******"The Majority Is Always Wrong" Steve Mcqueen in Enemy Of The People******