Who's made more bad movies?


I'm pretty sure Eddie Murphy wins this one.


Finished here. It's been fun.
Murphy hands down. He's so washed up, if he is in any type of film it's either going to be a flop or just an outright horrible film.

Easily Murphy. He was in some good comedies like Trading Places, The Golden Child, Coming to America, Life and Bowfinger, but it's embarrasing some of the films that he's been in recntly. The annoying thing is a terrible comedy starring Eddie Murphy will be a box office smash, but let's say a PTA film will be a modest success or more likely a box office failure

Registered User
Wow, excellent question... I think Eddie Murphy. I actually worked on the set of "Metro" in San Francisco. You could tell by the look on his face while filming that this movie was going nowhere.

The Bib-iest of Nickels
I like Robin Williams, I always thought that he had a certain charm and humor to him that I could always enjoy, even in his bad-movies. Eddie Murphy always struck me as very annoying.

Registered User
yeah.. Robin Williams is a great actor and so far, I haven't seen a movie of his that I didn't like... so I think it's Eddie Murphy...

On the outside looking in.
Murphy was great in DREAMGIRLS but he squandered that performance by following it up with one crap film after another. Williams used to be one of my favourites, but he hasn't made a decent film in ages. Really, this thread should be called "Who's Still Making Bad Movies..."
"Yes, citizen, there is no cause for alarm -- you may return to your harpsichord."

"I can truthfully say I will never make a bad film."
Eddie Murphy
Photoplay, July 1987

"I can truthfully say I will never make a bad film."
Eddie Murphy
Photoplay, July 1987
And he didn't. He made some atrocious films, though.
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

Right time to see this thread.

I thought of watching a whole lot of Eddie Murphy, after 5 i got fed up. Robin Williams has still done some good stuff, compared to Eddie, he is on another level.

If you look at IMDB, you would find it hard to see a movie of Eddie Murphy that is 7+. Most of his movie are below 6 which is pretty bad.
My Favorite Films

This is a quote that someone said once about Ben Kingsley...

Ben Kingsley is one of the great acting talents of our time, however he very consistently appears in terrible movies.

This is a quote that someone said once about Ben Kingsley...

Ben Kingsley is one of the great acting talents of our time, however he very consistently appears in terrible movies.
Until I read this, I had never really thought about it, but it's true...for an Oscar winning actor, Ben Kingsley has appeared in a lot of crappy movies.