The MoFo Top 100 of the Nineties

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This cat discussion was extremely disturbing to read. I skimmed a few parts because people were repeating themselves, not that their points were unfair. I am a bit pissed off now because I decided to man up and watch the cat clip and decide for myself, since honestly I will certainly never watch Satantango.

What I saw was clearly mistreatment bordering on outright torture. I know cats; I've been around them all my life and owned some of my own. That cat was upset and afraid. It was certainly in emotional pain and at least some physical pain.

Just because the cat wasn't very obviously being damaged, like burned or cut, does not make it okay.

The most disturbing part was Cob's confession post. I don't even know how to begin to tackle that post and express lucidly the thoughts and feelings it elicited. I feel dirty now.
#31 on SC's Top 100 Mofos list!!

In the Beginning...
It was my humanity taking over, that wanted me to be right so badly and wanted me to discuss and tried to show Vicky that I was right. The truth is that I don't know anything at all about anything at all.

I was so much into my own opinion that I was trying to convince myself that what I was saying was completely true and nothing else is. I was narrowing my own mind to make my point come over as believable as possible.
Thank you for admitting this. You probably know more than you think, actually, but it's definitely very easy to get caught up in the argument. You try to make points that seem sound enough to "win" the argument, but really it's always best to stick to factual information.

I'm just a simple person who sometimes thinks he's more than that, but it's this kind of discussions that make me realize that I'm actually just one of the many stupid others out there.
You're not stupid. That much is obvious by the films you've seen and the way you express yourself.

I really don't care about the cat in the picture. I have no inner feeling telling me that it's wrong. I'm a very indifferent person. Can you judge me? Of course you can. You can even hate me for it. I'm saying it as it is:
I don't care about the cat at all. I also don't care about seeing someone getting killed in a video. I don't feel anything and I can't do anything about it. Actually, to be honest, I never felt anything about anything in my whole life. It's quite depressing really. I would NEVER kill anyone myself, but I just don't care about it when it happens and it doesn't affect me. The only thing I actually care about is my own world and what affects me. It's extremely rotten to say this and my god, I don't really know why I'm saying this here, but it's just true. Excuse me for what I actually feel. I can't help it, I wish I could.

I want to believe there is something more than just all this indifference and I hope one day I really believe in it, but right now, in this phase of my life, I just can't see the light. There is no overruling morality, there is just nothing. It makes me cynical, it makes me not care about anything. It's just me right now. Is it insanity? I don't know.

I'm 19 years old and most of you are a lot older than me. I'm happy to see that you are all thinking differently than me now. I hope I will someday reach your level of awareness. It might add some color to my very gray existence that I have right now.
This might be off-base, because obviously I don't know you or your experiences thus far, but I'm going to say it anyway.

You're 19 years old. My estimation is that you're a bored, apathetic, and somewhat lost teenager. You're on the cusp of adulthood and that probably scares you a little bit. You can feel yourself leaving earlier stages of your life that maybe seemed more fun, more colorful, more meaningful. You might not have as many friends as you would like. You probably don't know what you're supposed to do or how to go about doing it. You might be asking yourself questions like "Is this it?" because you don't feel that there's much to get excited over.

You're obviously more sophisticated than some because you're into films that most other teens wouldn't bother seeing. But you're also desensitized to violence. This doesn't really surprise me. We have made violence such a staple of our regular entertainment—and for most of us, real violence is not something we see or experience enough to really understand—that we're losing our ability to react to violent images. I'm a bit desensitized myself, but I can still remember seeing violent stuff in Rated-R films as a kid and feeling shocked and horrified. The kids I know today don't seem to be affected in the same way.

Nevertheless, I really believe you've reached a very formative and awkward part of life. To you, the world is yourself, and you're starting to feel a bit like adult life and everything about it is just meaningless grey autopilot, and you realize you don't understand or feel any excitement about any of it. We've all experienced this unusual change in reality.

Probably you've read my post until now, because what I wrote is so shocking and because it's so unbelievable, but it's all true.
I don't think it's shocking and unbelievable. I think it's typical. And I think a part of you wishes it was shocking because, on some level you probably don't understand, you want your life to be shaken up. You want it to become more interesting than it is.

And to that, I say: it will. It's just a matter of perception and understanding. You'll get older and start to put things together in your mind. You'll slowly begin to figure out what adult life is and how you can make it work for you. You'll feel more comfortable, and happier.

You might describe me as egocentric. That would probably be the right word to describe me. I'm indifferent to pretty much everything else. Is it dangerous? I don't think so. In my opinion the universe is indifferent (that's what I think, not hope), so my indifference won't make a lot of difference.
Like I said, you're egocentric in the sense that your world is currently you, and right now you're not very jazzed about that world. You've essentially replaced your confusion and disappointment with indifference, because you feel like that's easier or more meaningful, but you know that the confusion and disappointment are still there. This is so very common among teens, I can't even tell you.

Either way, I think it's still about perception. It might not seem this way now, but your life will become more colorful, more interesting, more fulfilling. But you can't be indifferent. Indifference is emotional and social inaction that you've sanctioned for yourself because it seems too hard to figure out what you can do to be happier about your life. Or maybe you've already convinced yourself that living an unhappy life is inevitable. I genuinely hope not because, on that point, you'd be flat wrong.

Feeling more aware, more connected, more interested—that stuff will come with time and experience. Trust me. But you can't just resign yourself to indifference. You choose to be a part of the world and care about things. It's not just a natural gene that we all have and you don't. It might feel comforting to withdraw, but you're only retreating into an increasingly deeper hole. Don't accept that. Make yourself be better than that.

Most of you will probably think I'm crazy now. Maybe I am.
You're not crazy. You're a teenager who's experiencing all the same thoughts and feelings that countless other teenagers have experienced and will continue to experience. Just make sure you give yourself the time to wise up, get a little experience under your belt, and start seeing the world in all its wonderful color. Just like all you silly kids are saying these days... "you only live once."

Eyes Wide Shut was in my top five. It will make the list, and seeing how much support it has, it will probably be rather high up.
"Puns are the highest form of literature." -Alfred Hitchcock

Wow, I knew Eyes Wide Shut had its devoted followers but I had no idea it was so beloved here. I can't wait to see how high up it is.

Well, it's a Stanley Kubrick movie. He is probably the director who has the greatest combination of admiration and popularity in this forum (he or Hitchcock). There are directors who are respected by those who know their movies (like Ozu) and there are directors who are well known but not very respected (like Michael Bay), Stanley Kubrick is both.

Wow, I knew Eyes Wide Shut had its devoted followers but I had no idea it was so beloved here. I can't wait to see how high up it is.
Pretty much why I thought it might not make it in. Clearly I was way off the mark.

I didn't have any idea the animal abuse topic will go so far. I was quite ironic in my posts starting the whole discussion.
I'm an artist and an amateur filmmaker, so I'll defend artistic expression more defiantly than most. But the health and safety of another living thing should never be sacrificed for the sake of a film or any other piece of art. Some people are blinded by that, but the priorities should be crystal clear.
You say that like the cat was wounded or killed. I'm curious about the 'living thing' thingy. How far does it go? Would you pity a mouse killed or wounded on the screen? A fly or mosquito, maybe? Or is it only for cats, dogs and apes? Humans are animals too! I'm quite sensitive and tender to human suffering, but was indifferent to this scene, as well as I was indifferent to many fictional death scenes in many films. Some of them moved me, but not all of them. The thing the cat was abused (or not) in real life as well is quite different, but I don't feel sympathy. There's too much people suffering all around the world to rumble about such things. A lot of people imprison hundreds of dogs or cats in locked cages standing horizontally, so solid waste of animals in the upper cages pours down on the ones in the cages below, which drown in it!

To end the topic: If you don't care about the cat in this scene, it's OK. It doesn't even mean you're emotionless, because you may be a very good person. It's OK to dislike the scene or say it was an abuse. It's all subjective, because you can't be 100% sure how the cat felt. All in all, it's all up to you. Watch Satantango if you like or don't watch it. Maybe the two or three films you watch instead will be a better choice for you. If you're interested in Tarr, watch Werckmeister Harmonies first to find out whether his style clicks for you.
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

A system of cells interlinked
Weird - could have sworn I compiled a list and sent it over, but I don't see my name here. What happened?

Then again, I could be thinking of an entirely different list I put together and sent for another event altogether! :P
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell