If you're not aware, a workprint of this has been leaked so guessing some people may have seen this already. Moving conversation from shoutbox over here......
Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity
I liked Hostel 2. I think it's better than the first one... you know the whole deal about the hostel and what's going to happen as soon as it starts. It's like the first one, but with girls. Some parts of it are funny, at least to me. ONE SCENE in particular is very disturbing and sad ... if anyone hates the film for that scene alone, I understand. It's sick. Regardless, I think OG- and anyone who hated the first film will hate this one. It does feel rushed and some of it's unconvincing... far fetched. But it was interesting. I read that Eli Roth doesn't wanna make a 3rd film. Good because it won't turn into the never ending, flashback filled Saw series.
Originally Posted by Pyro Tramp
Hostel 2 was just completely redundant. The whole concept is one note, a single film was a push. And i'm sure the workprint i saw must have been cut because there's was absolutely no gore or violence to make it stand out in anyway whatsoever except for that ONE scene, even then it was quite restricted by editting. Also what was the point in her giong back to that house, so many things didn't make sense or work and characters dismissed stupidly.