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Tacitus 09-11-17 05:29 PM

The MoFo Top Video Games List: The Countdown!

The list so far...

1 Skyrim
2 Ocarina of Time
3 Fallout 3
4 Tetris
5 Red Dead Redemption
6 GTA San Andreas
7 Goldeneye
8 GTA Vice City
9 Half Life 2
10 Final Fantasy VII
11 Portal
12 Super Mario Brothers 3
13 Metal Gear Solid
14 Pokemon Red/Blue
15 Portal 2
16 Dark Souls
17 Deus Ex
18 Super Mario World
19 Super Mario Bros
20 Halo: Combat Evolved
21 Chrono Trigger
22 Super Smash Bros Melee
23 Super Mario 64
24 Kingdom Hearts
25 StarCraft
26 A Link to the Past
27 Oblivion
28 GTA V, Uncharted 2
30 Final Fantasy X
31 Minecraft
32 Civilization IV, Silent Hill 2
34 Diablo II, Half Life
36 The Walking Dead
37 The Sims
38 Pac-Man
39 The Witcher 3
40 Sonic the Hedgehog 2, World of Warcraft
42 Doom, The Legend of Zelda
44 Master of Orion 2, System Shock 2
46 Bioshock, Postal 2, Super Mario Kart
49 Mega Man 2
52 Bubble Bobble, Metal Gear Solid 3, Fallout New Vegas

While sitting in the doctor's waiting room this morning I noticed a lady in her 70s. After a few minutes thought, I realised that this was the mother of the guy who'd introduced me to home video gaming when he let me play on his Sinclair ZX81 in, wait for it, 1981. Spooky, eh?

He's a physicist now. She's got a slight cough.

Anyway..... Initially, I thought that this list would be a fool's errand - Too large a pool to fish from and too few people fishing - but I've been really pleasantly surprised at the results.

As well as your choices, I've managed to reach out to a few people who actually make the games we play and I'll be peppering our list with some of theirs. Oh yeah.


50 games spanning 40 years with the canonical MoFo rules applied to people's submissions - 25 points for your number 1 choice down to 1 point for your 25th.

Lets do this!

52= Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater

Released: Nov 17 2004
Developer: Konami
Format: PS2

41 points: One 10th, one 12th, one 15th

False Writer 09-11-17 07:13 PM

Re: The MoFo Top Video Games List: The Countdown!
Alright here we go!

MGS 3 is an excellent entry to kick this off. It's probably my second or third favorite in the series.

Celeb picks? I would like to know who they are exactly... If you can legally release that information. :P

Tacitus 09-11-17 07:18 PM

Re: The MoFo Top Video Games List: The Countdown!
That would spoil the surprise. All I'll say is BAFTA award winning. ;)

A load of stuff cropped up tonight, guys. I'll do 4 or 5 tomorrow. :)

rauldc14 09-11-17 07:40 PM

Re: The MoFo Top Video Games List: The Countdown!
Never played actually, but I do enjoy the first one on PS1.

Tacitus 09-11-17 08:47 PM

Re: The MoFo Top Video Games List: The Countdown!
I liked MGS3 a lot, but only the Subsistence version which added much better controls. It was a heck of a technical accomplishment for the PS2 and filled with the wonderful camp overblown nonsense that only Kojima can produce.

False Writer 09-11-17 08:56 PM

Re: The MoFo Top Video Games List: The Countdown!
I only played it once right when it came out. I don't think I ever replayed it but it was a very memorable experience. I also remember being very amused with that Ape Escape mode.

Dang it, now I have the theme song stuck in my head!

Camo 09-11-17 09:02 PM

One of mine right away! I had Snake Eater at #12, easily could have had the first or the second instead as i love all three but i think Snake Eater was the one i played most so i went with that. Was very close to going with the first one for sentimental reasons as the very first time i hung around with one of my closest friends as kids we played through it together, i imagine it will make the list anyway.

Thanks again for taking the time to do this, Tacitus :)

Iroquois 09-11-17 09:46 PM

Re: The MoFo Top Video Games List: The Countdown!
I remember playing MGS3 when it first came out, but for whatever reason (I think it was a damaged memory card), I only got as far as

WARNING: "MGS3" spoilers below
the part where Snake and a wounded Eva have to elude some guards in the woods, close to the end

and I never got around to finishing it, not even when I picked up a second-hand copy years later that refused to progress past a certain point only a few hours into the game. That being said, what I've played of it made it a good game but I don't think I could've really voted for it.

gbgoodies 09-12-17 01:53 AM

I don't own a game system, (except an old Atari 2600), but I submitted a list based on games I played on my old IBM-PC, and the few games I played in arcades (many years ago). I'll be following this countdown, but you probably won't hear from me in this thread again until there's a game that I've played (or at least heard of).

Thursday Next 09-12-17 04:19 AM

Re: The MoFo Top Video Games List: The Countdown!
Don't think I've ever played a Metal Gear Solid game.

Tacitus 09-12-17 08:38 AM

52= Bubble Bobble

Released: August 1986
Developer: Taito
Format: Arcade, various

41 points: One 10th, one 12th, one 15th

TheUsualSuspect 09-12-17 08:44 AM

Re: The MoFo Top Video Games List: The Countdown!
Snake Eater is a game I really wanted to get into. Everyone claims it's the best one, but I played it, fell out of it and never went back.

I feel like it would be a bit dated now, but I enjoyed the MGS and Sons of Liberty a lot more.

@Tacitus center that stuff man!!!! :p

Camo 09-12-17 09:02 AM

Never heard of Bubble Bobble. Watched the trailer you posted and it looks like it would be alot of fun. Wish i had some old school arcade games on my list but i don't think i've played any enough to justify having them on my list. Loads of them are really fun though so glad to see some on the list.

Tacitus 09-12-17 09:35 AM

Originally Posted by TheUsualSuspect (Post 1775695)

@Tacitus center that stuff man!!!! :p
Noted. :D

@Camo Bubble Bobble's great. It's one of the first games I can remember where the console version (I had it for the Spectrum but it was everywhere at the time) was really similar to the arcade original. If you've got a PS4, it's been released by the Arcade Archives people, along with loads more greats, for a fiver and a lot cheaper in sales.

rauldc14 09-12-17 09:43 AM

Re: The MoFo Top Video Games List: The Countdown!
Very happy to see Bubble Bobble make the list, and it definitely could have made mine. This was one of those choices where I thought it had zero chance to make the list and I was wrong. Happy to see it and look forward to seeing who gave it points.

Camo 09-12-17 09:46 AM

Originally Posted by Tacitus (Post 1775717)

@Camo Bubble Bobble's great. It's one of the first games I can remember where the console version (I had it for the Spectrum but it was everywhere at the time) was really similar to the arcade original. If you've got a PS4, it's been released by the Arcade Archives people, along with loads more greats, for a fiver and a lot cheaper in sales.
Don't have one anymore, sold it about a year and a half ago to a friend because i wasn't using it except for things like the browser occasionally. I've started playing my old consoles from time to time over the past few months and have been considering getting one again soon so i'll keep that in mind, thanks.

Tacitus 09-12-17 09:48 AM

52= Fallout: New Vegas

Released: October 2010
Developer: Obsidian
Platform: PC, Playstation 3, Xbox 360

41 points: One 2nd, One 15th, One 20th

Tacitus 09-12-17 09:49 AM

Re: The MoFo Top Video Games List: The Countdown!
That's the last of the ties for *cough* a little while. ;)

Once we get into the 30s, ties are a lot less frequent.

rauldc14 09-12-17 09:51 AM

Re: The MoFo Top Video Games List: The Countdown!
Never played Fallout games.

Camo 09-12-17 09:59 AM

The first time i remember speaking to Iro on here was an argument about how New Vegas wasn't better than Fallout 3. He wasn't actually saying it was iirc, what he was saying was plenty think it is since it's closer to the originals. At the time i was incredulous at what i was hearing but yeah he was right in what he was saying, and i hadn't then or still haven't played any of the early Fallouts so i can't really speak to that.

Well anyway New Vegas was a good fix after Fallout 3 but i personally didn't like it anywhere near as much.

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