Last Activity: 05-14-13


Name's Davis
2,139 POSTS



15½ years HERE

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My name is Keith and I'm a college student working at a part-time job. Biography
CT, USA Location
Film, poker, XBox 360, and anything pop culture-related, pretty much. Interests
"The mind is its own place, and in itself
Can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven."
John Milton, Paradise Lost

My Movie Review Thread | My Top 100
Showing Comments 25 to 26 of 26
  1. 01-18-09
    I'm fiddling with a few things, so please disregard any problems you might have with the notifications menu for the next day or so..

    Also, in the future, I'd rather you report bugs in the approriate thread/forum. Profile comments aren't a terribly convenient place to troubleshoot.
  2. 01-13-09
    Hmm, I dunno if we have a specific thread for it. I'd run a search, but if you don't find one, feel free to start a thread for it!
The Happening   8/20/09
Overall, I found [i]The Happening[/i] to be a compelling suspense-horror with a fantastic cast, yet containing

District 9   8/17/09
...while I feel [i]District 9[/i] didn’t quite live up to the hype, it still proved to be an enjoyable summer

Poltergeist   8/10/09
[i]Poltergeist[/i] is a film I can watch again and again, and it will remain just as scary—and just as good—ea

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen   6/29/09
In short, Tranformers 2 is one hell of an action movie.

View All Reviews (18)
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