FILMFREAK087's Avatar
Last Activity: 10-10-13


Registered Cretin
1,464 POSTS



16¼ years HERE

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Male Biography
Drawing, watching movies and playing guitar. Interests
Freelance artist Occupation

...uh the post is up there...
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Showing Comments 21 to 24 of 25
  1. 04-20-09
    Cutthroat Island with Geena Davis... Holden would tell you it is a crap movie but I thought it was just a fun movie...
  2. 04-16-09
    your welcome, i like to draw a lot too ^_^
  3. 04-08-09
    Happy 1-Year anniversary.
  4. 04-08-09
    You're welcome... I've been a little slow giving rep lately because I'm half asleep most of the time when I'm here and miss a lot of the posts... but I'm trying to read as many as I can now... and actually answer a few...
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