Gatsby's Avatar
Last Activity: 4 weeks ago


Master of My Domain
7,291 POSTS



9¾ years HERE

In the middle of Seoul, Korea Location
Movies, duh Interests
SAT tutor Occupation
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Showing Comments 9 to 12 of 837
  1. 08-22-18
    You finally did!
  2. 08-21-18
    I like The Police and one of my favorite Rush records (Grace Under Pressure) has some elements of the style, so I am not averse to it completely. There are other bands though (Sublime comes to mind) that just set my teeth on edge immediately.
  3. 08-18-18
    Might have been The Police, i dunno. If it's not them and it comes to mind i'll tell you.
  4. 08-06-18
    Liking your avatar and title. Biblical.
Gatsby has not chosen any favorite movies yet.
Venom   10/20/18
Yknow when I knew Venom would be a mediocre film

The Grand Budapest Hotel   10/13/18
You could say that I've developed a sweet tooth for this colorful, zesty, and delicious dessert of a film - or

The Prestige   10/04/18
Nolan has never been good with dialogue, and this lapse in an otherwise talented filmmaker shows in several pl

Thor: Ragnarok   11/04/17
For example, the hilarious bickering between Hulk and Thor during the film's mid-point is because Thor wants t

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