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Pyro Tramp

got mad game, yo
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This and that Occupation
Showing Comments 5 to 8 of 24
  1. 06-04-12
    So Prometheus...without spoiling anything, there are obvious links to the original Alien films, yes??????
  2. 04-04-12
    Whoa..doesn't sound like you had the most ideal celebrations. How comes you went to church on sunday in south london, lol?
  3. 04-04-12
    What did you do for your birthday?
  4. 04-02-12
    It's your birthday, son
Prometheus   6/02/12
It's seems like a negative review but it's not a bad film. It looks and sounds incredible ... It's a shame sma

Transformers: Dark of the Moon   7/01/11
Overall, it's not a perfect film but it's about what you can expect from Bay and then maybe a little more. I'm

X-Men: First Class   6/02/11
This was definitely one of the best films i've seen in the cinema this year. Vaughn pretty much nailed it. The

Thor   4/28/11
It's not the greatest film, perhaps at times a bit too crowded with side characters and the standard establish

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