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Showing Comments 733 to 736 of 740
  1. 08-15-09
    I suppose here is as good a place as any to reply, right?

    I have seen Pelham 123 on TV a few years ago and I remember enjoying it. Having recently seen the remake which I thought was pretty mundane I wanted to re-watch the original. High Plains Drifter on the other hand is new to me.
  2. 08-12-09
    It was presented by one person, but I can't remember what his name was. They'd show films as part of a season (as you said) but it was also a programme in its own right. I remember that they were often 'on-set' with someone or other, discussing what they did (editing, cinematography, art direction, etc) or they'd get them in the studio to talk about it, who influenced them, who the best in the field were, etc. It was usually pretty in depth stuff. I remember it mostly because it was where I first remember hearing about Kieslowski and the Three Colour Trilogy, I think "White" had just been released or was about to be. In fact, I think one of the interviews they did with him was on the set of "Red", shortly before he died.
  3. 08-12-09
    Re: Moving Pictures - I'm trying to visualise it in my head. I remember lots of 'part of the Moving Pictures season' type trails but were they introduced by anyone?
  4. 06-23-09
    Yes, it was good wasn't it? I've got quite a few I'd like to use this week, but I had to go with Drew first, obviously.
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