Flight of Fury 3/20/12
by TylerDurden99
I'd actually consider this as a film that plays it fairly safe; nothing too wild (excluding one unneeded, but welcome lesbian scene), nothing too hard to follow (it's a Seagal film) and nothing too original. ...
Rain Man 3/10/12
by TylerDurden99
Whereas that film is lightweight and whimsical, this is very blunt, moving film that I wholeheartedly believe to be one of the greatest films ever made. ...
Wild at Heart 3/06/12
by TylerDurden99
I've decided to seek out more of his films, but instead of starting with his more acclaimed work like Blue Velvet or Lost Highway, I went with this I disturbing road movie, mainly because I'm a bit of Nic Cage fan, and him in a Elvis-style role just sounds too good to pass up. ...
Out for Justice 2/28/12
by TylerDurden99
The name "Steven Seagal" is synonymous with the word "abysmal" nowadays, but there was a time when the man could carry a pretty decent action film. ...
Basic Instinct 2/26/12
by TylerDurden99
Their dialogue delivery borders on the melodramatic at times, but for the most part, they remain solid leads that anchor the film. ...
The Rock 10/14/11
by TylerDurden99
The lead performances are particularly good, with Sean Connery a hoot as Mason, Nicolas Cage giving one of his best performances (yes, I'm being serious) and the always reliable Ed Harris giving another solid performance. ...