

The Dark Knight   7/19/08
by The Gnat
It isn't a let down at all, and possibly steps it up some from the first one. ...

The Happening   7/17/08
by The Gnat
This film isn't without a few good parts, especially the first few scenes, but otherwise it really doesn't do much to excite or interest the viewer. ...

Zombie Strippers!   7/15/08
by The Gnat
It had great promise to be a good B horror/zombie film, but the director tried to be way to smart for his own good and came up with a film that was half B horror and half political crap that the director most likely thought was unique and refreshing but instead was very old and overdone. ...

8MM   7/15/08
by The Gnat
The acting is solid, and while not always an easy film to watch the character development for, it is done much better in that area then most films. ...

Teeth   6/26/08
by The Gnat
I highly recommend this film for Wexlier's acting performance if nothing else, but the humor and horror and how everything works together makes this film deserve to be watched anyways. ...

Conan the Barbarian   6/10/08
by The Gnat
This odd film actually was enjoyable to watch, even with Arnold as the lead in the film. ...

Kicking & Screaming   6/09/08
by The Gnat
Sure, it has a nice message, but there are a lot of films out there with both of those messages that are much stronger films and don't have Will Ferrell screaming and acting like an idiot in them. ...

Meet the Spartans   6/09/08
by The Gnat
The story is generally that of the film 300 with about 3,000 pop culture and other film references thrown in. ...

Highlander   6/06/08
by The Gnat
Overall this is a cult classic film, if you go into it expecting it to be more, you will be disappointed, and for some it might not be the greatest cult classic film out there, but for those who appreciate that sort of film, they should enjoy it. ...

Kung Fu Hustle   6/03/08
by The Gnat
Typically in a foreign language film (or naturally a foreign language film) you don't have to have the voice dubbed over, as the fact that the voices are off with the movement of the mouth is just annoying, in this case, watching it either with sub titles or dubbed into English works just fine, as i... ...

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