

The Exorcist   11/04/20
by crumbsroom
Over the years it has become as much a part of my sleeping habit as keeping my bedroom windows wide open, a trick I also learned directly from its teachings.

The Exorcist   8/24/18
by aronisred
Anyone who knows the promotional material about this movie would assume that since its an american movie and is called exorcist the movie is heavily based on Christianity.

The Exorcist   7/19/18
by pahaK
In all the movie there might be a few minutes worth of material that could have been dropped to make the film little tighter but otherwise it's nearly perfect.

The Exorcist   7/23/14
by Gideon58
This is the story of an actress named Chris MacNeill (Ellen Burstyn) who has recently moved to Georgetown with her daughter Regan (Linda Blair) in order to make a movie.

The Exorcist   6/08/14
by Captain Spaulding
Even though this was my first true viewing of the movie, I've seen so many scenes before--- the "pea-soup" scene, the "360-degree-head-turn" scene, "the power-of-Christ-compels-you" scene, as well as numerous other iconic scenes from the movie--- that it hampered my enjoyment of the movie.

The Exorcist   5/25/14
by Jack1
While I don't think this is, as its tagline stated at the time, the scariest film of all time, it's certainly up there, thanks to its shocking portrayal of a girl possessed.

The Exorcist   2/17/14
by Nostromo87
as this is a movie based on a book by William Peter Blatty, centered around the real-life exorcism of Roland Doe, a victim of possession treated by the Catholic Church.

The Exorcist   3/06/09
by Iroquois
After choosing to miss out on last night's screening of Night of the Living Dead, I opted to redeem myself somewhat by giving a second chance to a film I'd never really felt too strongly about before - the notorious tale of demonic possession that is William Fredkin's The Exorcist.

The Exorcist   12/01/08
by mark f
You don't have to believe in God, a "spirit world", or a Battle Between Good and Evil to know that The Exorcist is one of the most powerful films ever made about the fight to recover a girl from a world of darkness and try to return her to the land of the light.

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