

Nope   7/23/23
by Thief
From the enigmatic cold opening set during the recording of a classic sitcom or our initial introduction to the Haywood's as they are pitching their services as horse handlers for a movie all the way to the very climax of the film where the dream of fame ends up being a blessing or a curse to some o...

Nope   7/02/23
by Takoma11
Thematically, something I couldnt stop thinking about during the film was the idea of how people use filming (or recreation through film) to document, process, and control events from their lives.

Nope   2/22/23
by TheUsualSuspect
The length does detract from the film a tad with the 2nd act being the most meandering part of the film.

Nope   9/06/22
by Gideon58
It's impressive that Peele keeps the reveal of this entity under such effective wraps for almost half the running time, but the exposition is poorly paced, producing several gaps in the film that provided drowsiness for this reviewer, but once we see the actually entity and the havoc it creates, th...

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