

Interview with the Vampire   3/02/19
by pahaK
As a film Interview with the Vampire is quite melodramatic and theatrical but for some reason vampires always seem to be portrayed as show offs and buffoons so I'm not bothered as much as usually.

Interview with the Vampire   7/05/15
by Iroquois
It's almost too good watching Tom Cruise chew every possible inch of scenery as Lestat, the mischievious blonde vampire who turns suicidal widower (and eventual interviewee) Louis (Brad Pitt) into a vampire, which prompts a whole bunch of odd-couple nonsense as Louis struggles with the notion of kil...

Interview with the Vampire   8/14/14
by TylerDurden99
Interview With The Vampire was actually one of my favourite movies around the time I really started getting into film, which I found weird, since I didn't and still don't care for vampire movies.

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