Hot Fuzz 2/09/18
by Joel
I just hooked up my Onkyo 7.1 surround, and after trying a handful of 5.1 HD film mixes, Hot Fuzz was the only feature to completely kick the living shlt out of my set-up and drown me in its design.
Hot Fuzz 8/23/16
by DalekbusterScreen5
Maybe the decision behind returning to Simon Pegg and Nick Frost's characters as already being friends in The World's Friend was as a result of Simon Pegg, Nick Frost and Edgar Wright feeling it didn't quite work with Hot Fuzz but I definitely prefer their friendship already being there.
Hot Fuzz 9/28/14
by The Rodent
What's special about Fuzz compared to the first film, is that it's much more high octane in terms of action and effects.
Hot Fuzz 1/25/08
by Lennon
One thing I didn’t like about this movie was a lot of un-funny jokes, at least to me; I didn’t laugh at a lot of them. I must admit that some of the deaths in this movie were funny (particularly at the fair)
Hot Fuzz 8/24/07
by The Gnat
This is one of the few films that I find absolutely hilarious, a comedy film has be a combination of smart humor and slapstick prat falls in order for me to like it. And Hot Fuzz has an amazing blend of this.