

Caché   2/21/22
by Takoma11
As the film begins, Georges and Anne have received a mysterious package containing footage of their home from the outside. ...

Caché   2/12/17
by Okay
"Cach is a French film, it follows a married couple searching for the source of a bunch of mysterious video tapes that keep getting left on their porch, the delivered cassettes get more personal by the day, creating disruption and unbalance in the family's life.Thoughts: After previously watching "F... ...

Cach   6/29/13
by seanc
The final static shot in this film is memorizing and I would be hard pressed to think that someone could watch this film and not just let the silence roll over them while contemplating all that has transpired. ...

Cach   4/12/12
by TylerDurden99
But out of all these films, which I've watched multiple times, I went with Michael Haneke's Hidden, which I've watched twice ever. ...

Cach   2/11/06
by Holden Pike
The way the film is constructed, the final shot of the film forces the audience to debate the clues and possible answers of the mystery. ...

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