

Vertigo   7/16/23
by Thief
Vertigo follows retiring detective Johnny "Scottie" Ferguson (James Stewart) as he copes with bouts of vertigo and acrophobia following a tragic accident at work.

Vertigo   1/13/21
by mark f
Vertigo is the kind of film which demands multiple viewings to "get into it", and then eventually you discover that the film is thematically-rich, not only in the way people behave in a relationship but how directors/scripters use their actors and how films use their viewers.

Vertigo   9/18/16
by Gideon58
The master, Alfred Hitchcock, has given us a psychological thriller that is somewhat pedestrian in some places and spellbinding in others, and used his own unparalleled skill in cinematic storytelling in keeping us in suspense regarding what we think is happening is and what is REALLY happening...Hi...

Vertigo   7/10/16
by Citizen Rules
Hitch is a great technical director with his use of creative studio lighting and in Vertigo I think it's Hitch's love for pazazz that gets in the way of the human element being realized.

Vertigo   5/03/16
by TheUsualSuspect
Using different lighting and colour schemes along with inventive camera techniques, Vertigo is highly regarded as one of, if not the, best Hitchcock film.

Vertigo   4/25/16
by Nope1172
Ten months ago, before I had ever even heard of Movie Forums, I probably thought I was a film snob when I watched a film from the 70s.

Vertigo   5/23/15
by Iroquois
- but its a credit to Hitchcock and his collaborators that all these clich get subverted in service to the film's concern with something greater than delivering a rollicking mystery (which only really starts halfway through the film and then gets the truth revealed to the audience two-thirds of the ...

Vertigo   3/10/14
by The Gunslinger45
And my personal favorite film from Hitchcock is Vertigo.

Vertigo   6/16/13
by seanc
When watching a Hitchcock film I feel myself just waiting for the twist that I know is coming, instead of soaking in every moment.

Vertigo   5/10/11
by meatwadsprite
Vertigo 1958

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